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  1. iambored

    Tina & Emma's Library Adventure

    sorry if i'm taking your post the wrong way, with my record lately I probably did, but i wasn't correcting you, i use italics for empahsis, maybe i needed a smiley or something, like :p or ;) :)
  2. iambored

    Tina & Emma's Library Adventure

    omg finish mine for me, or tell me how to get past the level, i can't remember how the levels go but i think it's like 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, up to, pretend, 10, in which case, i am up to 10-2. that game rocked, i grew out of gameboy but when it gets taken out by others i'll...
  3. iambored

    Tina & Emma's Library Adventure

    i remember the days of mario.. i still can't finish the damn game, bloody hammer throwers kill me every time.
  4. iambored

    Tina & Emma's Library Adventure

    haha what a cool video
  5. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    haha me? bellydancing? i wish, i really do wish, but HAHA is all i can think, i have more chance of picking up jazz, salsa, anything, than bellydancing. if someone who is as crap as me would like to go to for fun, i'd do it, but not these holidays. ;) you don't need to get to your goal weight...
  6. iambored

    Great news for SAM card holders

    I don't feel I am getting anything out of it either.
  7. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    *drools* that sounds delicious, omg. those finger food style things are totally up my alley, i want to cook things like that one day, things that are really yummy and really cute, i think i'll take lessons off your mum :D
  8. iambored

    changing sucjects

    yeah you can change them on estudent. another first year mentioned on the board that you might not be able to do it until you get your results.
  9. iambored

    Are library fines SERIOUS BUSINESS?

    ooh i thought you were going to do a post-and-run, but you came back again. i thought you were clairegirl with that av, i was wondering why she waved at me. so what's up?
  10. iambored

    Great news for SAM card holders

    try the sam spot, they have them at the start of first semester for late starters, i don't know if they still have them there now. they might have them there after mid year enrolments are finished
  11. iambored

    Are library fines SERIOUS BUSINESS?

    :wave: hiii flyin, long time no see
  12. iambored

    Great news for SAM card holders

    i'm skeptical, maybe (wth took me 5 tries to type the 'be' of maybe) they just printed the cards with the wrong expiry date... but i think it's most likely that it was easier for them to issue them to everyone for a year and they thought why not.
  13. iambored

    BLASH!#RWFEDF@$QR###!! ....humph.

    yeah that would have been a great job, pity it's full time. if she liked you enough maybe she will keep you in mind for part time jobs.
  14. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    and burn your oesophagus even more
  15. iambored

    Great news for SAM card holders

    is this meant to be an incentive to pay our fees next year?
  16. iambored

    Are library fines SERIOUS BUSINESS?

    i have unintentionally tried to steal a book from there THREE times! the exit bit starts beeping and the gate locks and then you slam into the gate as you expect to push it open and then the lady looks at you like you're a criminal (or maybe with an 'oh, not again' expression) i'm getting...
  17. iambored

    Birthday presents - a poll

    Don't put it off until his 21st. Things could change too much and it won't be the right time to give it to him anymore. As far as maturity level goes and girls being insecure, not much changes. I say give it to him and tell him the story.
  18. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    i love those pancakes, but don't you think the smell is better than the taste? and the syrup and whipped butter... mmm.. don't do this to me hopeful!
  19. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    everyone says when they walk out of a massage they feel so calm exams are over, you shouldn't have to be stressing glitter :( having said that, today could have been a shocker of a day, a kid almost got injured and if anyone was at fault, it would have been me. i also had a pretty un-healthy...
  20. iambored

    What does your desk look like?

    woot how cute