they haven't read the other thread so they don't understand what this thread really is. like that it's an actual 'group,' not just a random post your goals thread, and that it's a support thread, ahem.
yeah, i think aussie stuff. there might be something general in your text to get you started but i think they would have to do research to get information like that, meaning you could easily use journal articles. but if there are theories like asy said then you could use sources from anywhere...
Re: Instead of eating: Healthy approach to eating!
i think a lot of the time it's habit, so it's hard to break. what about making your room a food free zone? then if you want to eat, you'll have to go to the kitchen and stand there to eat it. also i find that i nibble less if i eat a lot at...
omg don't talk about the holidays already. this is my relaxing semester. :( :(
i have a list of things to do before holidays start, one of which is to work out (i.e. make a list of) what i have to do during the holidays :rolleyes:
i'm picking this thread to post this in, only because it's the newest
but shouldn't this subject stuff be posted in the other sub-forums? otherwise there's no real point in having them?
For career hub, the main page
tell employers to click the 'employers' tab
I haven't read further than that but there should be information there.
oo clairegirl, you have those cool mirrors from ikea, i think i might get them, they look nice instead of having 1 full length mirror. did you think that putting all 4 of them up was too much?
haha very messy redrum, almost as bad as mine, but you get bonus points because you actually try and do work at it
this thread motivated me to clean my table yesterday
ciel has a nice desk