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  1. santaslayer

    Paranoia or Precaution?

    Someone tell me why the fuck 'big' sporting events or stories end up on the front page of newspapers?
  2. santaslayer

    How can I get into law?

    No really, since a standard degree is 3 years and grad law is either 3 or 4 years. (usually 3 i think)
  3. santaslayer

    Legal Studies question

    Discretionary power is a means of perverting the course of public justice. :p
  4. santaslayer

    EY or PwC?

    EY because they gave me a free dinner with their own chef.
  5. santaslayer

    Thank you letter

    That's really kiss-arse-ish. :p Interviewing is their job anyway.
  6. santaslayer

    Why didn't your last relationship work?

    We did everything a couple would possibly do. What do we do then? Marriage? ...Ewwww... I'm only 19.
  7. santaslayer

    Tafe and Uni

    Probably because he had to entertain his parents with the idea he was going to uni.
  8. santaslayer

    Tafe and Uni

    You can go to TAFE for free even if you go uni as well. If you were a true AzN, you would know that I am referring to Youth Allowance. :)
  9. santaslayer

    How can I get into law?

    Tutor had a student who got 73.00 UAI, did a business course @ TAFE for one or two years, transferred to a real business course at UWS and then went for a internal transfer to B Bus/LLB. Alternatively, you could just take the Diploma in Law at the Legal Practicioner's Admission Board. :)
  10. santaslayer

    Your thoughts on UAI cutoffs 2006

    It'll depend on the specific course. UAI cutoffs don't go up or down in a collective fashion. (Other factors such as government's willingness to budget, mentality of students etc will also play an important role)
  11. santaslayer

    Attention Writers at UOW!

    Hmmm...unless thry called it the "student" leader...? but the webpage may be a bit misleading... i have no idea... anyway braindead..i think u can get most of UoW's stories from the front page...and on the front page of every there are stories in links like "Current...
  12. santaslayer

    bi or lesbian girls @ ACU strathfield

    Lesbian and Bi girls are teh sex! :uhhuh:
  13. santaslayer

    Do CS students think that the quality of CS field in this university is decreasing?

    OK, I take it back. Esp for the people who go to uni just to learn.
  14. santaslayer

    Family Law Discussion Thread

    Yes. :uhhuh: Bigamy should be legalised in Australia. Pass it on...
  15. santaslayer

    Do CS students think that the quality of CS field in this university is decreasing?

    That really sounds very ideal and all, but passion does not usually put food on the table. You may be the lucky few who enjoy what they do. :)
  16. santaslayer

    Does anyone ever find their perfect match?

    You may find people you love unconditionally, but a perfect match is quite rare, since they might not reciprocate. :(
  17. santaslayer

    law advice

    Vicarious Liability just means that the duty would be on the employer itself/themselves. You would not be legally liable. It really means that the employer would and should take the responsibility. (I hope I remember it correctly-HSC Legal Studies :p) It wouldn't be unfair dismissal if the...
  18. santaslayer

    Honours at UNSW

    Depends. Some unis intergrate that 'extra' subject into a compulsory subject so that it really isn't an 'extra' subject as such. 5 years + another year of honours is fucking fucked. :p
  19. santaslayer

    legal humour

    Don't worry, you still have a few hours left of today. :p
  20. santaslayer

    Do CS students think that the quality of CS field in this university is decreasing?

    All you need to know is that your degree will be able to get you an advantage over someone without one.