Search results

  1. santaslayer


    OK, what if it was the girl that did all this?
  2. santaslayer

    Initial D

    The dude from Young and Dangerous (not Jordan Chan, the other idiot who thought he was kingshit with cars) was hillarious. :p Bit of an anticlimax with suzuki the girl...nothing really happened. Girls that go and watch movies in Market City are hawwwwt. EDIT: Cars and Girls are...
  3. santaslayer

    Is exercising bad 2-3 hours before you go to sleep? Also eating before sleep.

    If you exercise before sleeping then you may find it hard to sleep at all since you're all worked up. You may be physically tired (your eyes keep trying to close) but you're still mentally psyched. I've was told the eating bit is a myth...but have no real idea.
  4. santaslayer

    Is UNSW the only...

    Hasn't really been a trend to offer early entry to high UAI courses. Esp not med. :p
  5. santaslayer

    limewire file corruption

    If it does not preview, then it usually is corrupt. Or go and buy the full version.
  6. santaslayer

    failing a subject

    Give him the answers to the two law questions then. (WW)
  7. santaslayer

    Job Opening for UTS Law Students.

    Dissenting does not do anything (to the decision) but provoke some thinking from the audience/law student/ professionals/whateva.
  8. santaslayer

    failing a subject

    Give him the answers to ilip. Don't be slack. :p
  9. santaslayer

    failing a subject

    Dropping LLb would be very easy and straight forward. But changing degrees... I guess you would need to convince the dean that your initial intention of undertaking LLB was wrong (u dont like the degree) and not just because of your fail grades, (because you could easily change to arts and...
  10. santaslayer

    For all u wanna be lawyers :)

    UhhHhhHHhh... thanks :)
  11. santaslayer

    does your man/woman ever try to tell you how to dress?

    I would give suggestions, but that is all. I'd much prefer it if she didn't have ANY dress sense whatsover. That is, I'd much prefer it if she wasn't wearing anything at all.
  12. santaslayer

    Domestic dispute turns to cannibalism...

    "It looks like a domestic dispute between husband and wife," she said. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........really?
  13. santaslayer

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Hourglass figure full stop. I think I've said this in a similar thread. A 100 UAI would also help.
  14. santaslayer

    Where are my Law.pdf files???

    Thanks peepz... but wtf...u did 2 court reports for 2 different unis?...friggy..
  15. santaslayer

    different law schools

    Oh. OK. Hello girlfriend. :)
  16. santaslayer

    Where are my Law.pdf files???

    I've noticed that a few of the more academically senior members of the law forum have contributed their assingments/questions and answers/exams whateva around BoS. They aren't necessarily all in the law forum...some are in USYD/UNSW law forums as well... but anyway...i did a search and...
  17. santaslayer

    Job Opening for UTS Law Students.

    Now no offence... but how do you know? :p
  18. santaslayer

    legal humour

    That secetary sounds hawwwt already...
  19. santaslayer

    Job Opening for UTS Law Students.

    Hahhahahaha... The one who's AzN... shit....what if all 4 of them were azn ..??????????
  20. santaslayer

    Job Opening for UTS Law Students.

    So....what happens if all applicants clearly show a strong desire to do all of the above...? (which isn't impossible, since they ARE all medal winning nerds)