The UAI for UWS law has fluctuated significantly these last few years. It is not without reason to suggest that it might hit the 98.00 mark.
B Health Science/ LLB (705680):
2002 = 96.60
2003 = 90.10
2004 = Somewhere in the 92-94 area? (forgets)
2005= ????
I sense that some people are e-stalking AtticusFinch because a lot of people are posting in the UoW forums who have never ever posted in here before. All under AtticusF's thread. AF you must be pretty popular. :p
I don't think there's anything in the keyboard to activate your touchpad. Reinstall the driver. Borrow a friend's mouse or use another one from a second computer @ home. It's cheaper like that. Go to a computer fair/market if you want cheap mouses.