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  1. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    No one asked you replicate his life. Enough, you’re blowing this out of proportion and missed the point entirely
  2. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    Oml I’m gonna stop responding clearly this was a mistake, the point isn’t abt doing two degrees the point is that ur still figuring out what u like, u don’t need to make anything concrete just yet
  3. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    Bro I’m not boutta explain his whole life story ofc it wasn’t just one sector of medicine, he decided that med just wasn’t for him. If it took him 6 yrs to realise that then so what??? He’s still successful in the end and managed to rlly excel in law. I’m just saying that u shouldn’t be stressed...
  4. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    Honestly idk why ur hating, he’s happy and successful and did what’s best for him?? Ppl who graduate at 22 don’t get rich straightaway, their businesses don’t start thriving from the get-go it takes time. Ur just acting immature atp, don’t ask for advice if u don’t wanna hear it.
  5. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    no in the end he figured out whats best for him, he only found out that he likes family law after his placements in gynaecology. idk being as successful as he is with a family and financially stable at the age of 30 is pretty good imo
  6. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    Don’t treat ur life like ur in a rush u still got a long while to figure out what u want. A family friend of mine finished 6 yrs of med before deciding he wants to study law and now he’s one of the most successful family lawyers in Brisbane, ur gonna be fine.
  7. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    sooo what did u apply for?
  8. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    yeah ig but working in the field doesn't necessarily mean u uphold the law, u could challenge it or be an ambassador or something
  9. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    u coulda searched it lmaooo
  10. N

    Chances of getting a 99+ atar

    i cant tell if ur serious or joking... there's no dentistry at unsw 💀
  11. N

    Med gap year

    It’s risky, bc after that gap yr u still may not be accepted. Some unis still use your atar to consider you for entering into medicine through a non-standard entry pathway.
  12. N


    U might find this helpful I also have a spreadsheet of the requirements of every uni if u want? Ur right it’s different depending on where ur applying to
  13. N


    Bro what more do u want to know abt
  14. N

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    Nah 4 science teachers is okay ur overestimating their impact on ur own performance. Doing past papers and studying ahead of ur class is what every studious student would do anyways. U got thissss ull be fine!!
  15. N

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    I think 4 teachers per faculty is more than normal?
  16. N

    UCAT environment on test day

    all students get perm. markers and a whiteboard booklet which ur right, it is just laminated sheets. headphones arent even that helpful its just to block out other noises in the room. i rlly recommend using the number pad on the membrane keyboard instead of the row of numbers at the top, u could...
  17. N

    2024 HSC Chat

    oh my lord u sound possessed
  18. N

    Any good shows/movies?

    please the movies were so bad that i couldn't finish them in one sitting
  19. N

    Any good shows/movies?

    I’ve been binging Dubai Bling and I lose 82 brain cells for every episode I watch. 10/10 would recommend