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  1. N


    Does anyone listen to sleep token
  2. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Get foot fungus u rat
  3. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Go choke on a fart
  4. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME FIND THE SONG? It sounds like this but it’s not this at all
  5. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Well whenever I was available he wasn’t and whenever he was available I wasn’t
  6. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    We’ve never vc’d before how do u even know what I sound like…
  7. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    ^^^ please someone help me it’s stuck in my head I need to know the song
  8. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Don’t let me remind u of ur prufrock era
  9. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

  10. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    No ppl think I’m joking when I say it bc I was ranked alright internally but I actually stuffed up my exams so bad u don’t even know, I didn’t get to finish half of them
  11. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    We should all vc
  12. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Can someone help me please I’m tryna find the name of this Jamaican song and I can’t find it
  13. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    I wish I had a Jamaican accent it sounds so fun
  14. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Girl everytime someone mentioned bio u said u wanted to kys
  15. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    No thanks I’d rather not show my depression
  16. N


    Exactlyy the nearest bus station to my house is half an hour away and I’m STILL NOT COUNTED AS RURAL TF
  17. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    With all due respect I couldn’t give a flying f Couldn’t be me I’m a wuss icl
  18. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    No me too I don’t think I’ll even hit the 90 mark I’m acc so scared
  19. N


    Esp if u live away from public transport
  20. N

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    wtf is wrong with u I wanted to go to sleep in peace today