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  1. N


    pick one, any one
  2. N


    Bc they pee standing up apparently 🤷🏽‍♀️
  3. N


    Nah cuz my chem class acc had a debate abt this, the guys were so adamant on keeping the seat up and the girls looked like they would kill to keep it down
  4. N


    no because then there's gonna be a "do i keep the toilet seat up or down" situation nuh uhhh 💀
  5. N


    lolll its all g tbh i haven't encountered many instances of bathroom incidents myself mayb bc of where i live but most of what i know is from other people's experiences, i reckon its def important to listen to everyone's opinions on this matter
  6. N


    i don't even have the expertise on this, im gonna be honest i don't know. if u make a bathroom specific for trans people then they're gonna get offended that ur not treating them like a "real" man or woman, i don't even know how it would work i cant lie and that's why its a difficult issue, its...
  7. N


    see this is where it can become dangerous, im a woman, im gonna use the women's bathrooms. someone whos biologically a woman but identifies as a male comes into the bathroom, do i not feel uncomfortable by someone who LOOKS like a man but claims to need to use the women's bathrooms? a) there...
  8. N


    that's why u fake some of ur hrs, doesn't rlly make a difference also if ur driving with an instructor, there's 3-for-1 lessons so u can get 30 hrs done in 10, and there's a drivers safety course that's a few hrs but can add 30 hrs to ur logbook. so that's 60 hrs done, do some more in someone...
  9. N


    that was so poetic now what does race have to do with anything 💀
  10. N


    that was so poetic
  11. N

    Bachelor Of Clinical Science At MQ

    r u talking abt 80% of applicants getting in? bc that's REALLY false for the drop out bit, its mostly due to a) the mental burden (for the shit amt of pay that registrars and fellows get, the stress and emotional burden is absolutely ridiculous) and b) the lack of job security (most...
  12. N


    get them Ps before uni starts
  13. N

    Bachelor Of Clinical Science At MQ

    I’m actually stupid I didn’t even read the full post my bad 😭😭
  14. N


    I saw a girl change her pronouns to it/it’s then complained abt being objectified like what
  15. N


    Jail for u then
  16. N


    Get ur license asap 😍
  17. N

    BoS meet up

    Most ppl don’t start tutoring till yr 11/12