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  1. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    no hamas never went to the west bank. don't make Israel sound stupid, its very smart, it has surveillance everywhere and KNOWS that hamas is not in the west bank. okay so if i think that a terrorist lives in wagga wagga, even tho its more than probable that they dont, should i just bomb wagga...
  2. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    i don't think you're reading what i;m saying. they bombed south gaza. the very place they told them to evacuate to. what else do you want me to say. it's not about the time they got given to evacuate, its about the fact that the place they got told to go to GOT BOMBED.
  3. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    no one here is pro-hamas. you're putting words in people's mouths. how many times do u want ppl to say it? we condemn hamas. there, you happy???
  4. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    oh really? fine let's go by your logic and assume that its all because of hamas. Let's look at the west bank. Hamas does not reside in the west bank because it is occupied. so what on earth are Israeli militants doing there, killing Palestinians if there is no hamas???
  5. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    i gave celiac an example of how Palestinians are not allowed to live normal lives under Israeli authority. Fine? I wont make it about just Islam. What about when the IDF soldiers spat at Christians' feet and hit their heads with their guns when they were attending Church of St. Porphyrius for...
  6. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    no they did not give them 24 hours to evacuate at all. It was a trap, why else would they bomb south gaza? Tell me in your honest opinion, if i told u to evacuate to sydney because I'm gonna bomb your house then i end up bombing sydney because it was a trap to lure you out there, is that...
  7. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    no see here is the issue with everything in this thread, you and the others claim to be listening to both sides of the argument but don't bother to do simple searches to deduce what actually happened. israel gave the Palestinians three hours to complete a five hour hike from north gaza to south...
  8. N

    Mathematics Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    okay not all of us are 4u weapons
  9. N

    Mathematics Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    it better be or im stuffed 😍
  10. N

    Legal Studies predictions/thoughts

    wait rlly?? @jimmysmith560 😭
  11. N

    Legal Studies predictions/thoughts

    what do u guys think the alignment will be like?
  12. N

    2023 HSC chat

    we're not gonna talk abt it
  13. N

    2023 HSC chat

    No man where I was sitting it had the suburb name on the sign 💀
  14. N

    2023 HSC chat

    i wanna send pics of the water without doxxing myself but i cant oml its so pretty u need to be here 😭
  15. N

    2023 HSC chat

    I've decided that ignorance is bliss im reading at the beach rn, wind in my hair and idfk who stole my shoes but life is good for now 😍
  16. N

    2023 HSC chat

    gl boo boo im thinking of u xx
  17. N


    well no shit its like a yr 11 chem student taking a master's business exam... u haven't learned anything yet man don't stress 💀
  18. N

    Economics predictions???

    i know two ppl doing legal, eco and sac and mf that's two exams tmr 💀
  19. N

    Economics predictions???

    i feel bad for ppl doing legal and eco, a lot of ppl take that combo its stupid of nesa to put them back to back imo