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  1. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    Oh my god I'm agreeing with you, I AGREE WITH YOU, HAMAS IS EXTREMIST I've had enough of ur bs, maybe i should just put it in my bio. I AM NOT PRO HAMAS. they did not start it either, take the nakba for eg. happened in 1948. when did hamas emerge? 1987. Make a stronger argument, this is not...
  2. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    That's absolutely wonderful of them. Love Israel for that! Beautiful, beautiful actions by them. Wow, if they were not terrorists, they wouldn't have notified 🥹✊ Yeah and if they were not terrorists then they wouldn't have bombed the very place they told Palestinians to go to. Are you gonna keep...
  3. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    I never justified their actions! You and the others keep asking the same questions over and over again, how many times do you want me to say it>??? I condemn Hamas. I condemn their actions. What else? Do you want me to scream it?
  4. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    are we really going to argue on which is worse, Hamas or Israel? I believe that Israel is a terrorist state because the definition of terrorism, as deduced by the ICC, is: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. would you...
  5. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    Well then we agree. Hamas is built on the extremist interpretation of Islamic doctrines. Done.
  6. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    See here's where your argument fails as soon as you make personal arguments, you're putting words in my mouth which is something you've been doing almost every single time you post. this is a stupid insinuation to make, when tf did i say that i want all Christians and jews to convert to Islam...
  7. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    no i have to disagree here, because if you researched you would know that Islam does not support or even provide the backbone of hamas' ideologies. hamas is using Islam as a justification, so the criticism should not be on Islam, it should be on Hamas.
  8. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    No one is denying that they're both motivated by their own extremist doctrines. That's the issue actually, bruh im agreeing with you here.
  9. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    This thread was not made to argue on if Islam is a good or bad religion. He can take it somewhere else
  10. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    What are you even talking about? If you have personal comments to make idc, I'm not even gonna do that to u
  11. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    No you put up those quotes with the insinuation to others that Islam is the cause of the fostering of conflicts between Jews and Christians. Okay then, if you're not painting Islam in a negative light, I must have interpreted it wrong. Why do you need to create a hostile atmosphere? Want me to...
  12. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    I agree that Hamas was originated due to their DISPROPORTIONATE views on Islam, they justify their actions thru Islam. and i condemn that. what more do u want me to say??
  13. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    No my point is you're painting a negative light on Islam, that's not even the issue in question. Take it out of this argument
  14. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    Palestine is not just an unfortunate casualty and this war did not spawn out of nowhere. Displacement and genocide has occurred since the late 1900s, do you not know of the Nakba? You're telling me that Israel's atrocities towards Palestine have JUST started on October 7th??
  15. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    That's exactly what ISIS and Da'esh said, they're doing everything in the name of God. YET THEYRE TERRORIST ORGANISATIONS, you're not understanding anyone here, we condemn hamas. we're not defending hamas????
  16. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    no you're not even searching the right thing. UN states that the west bank is primarily authorised and ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED by Israeli authorities while the gaza strip is controlled by hamas
  17. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    You don't have to be Muslim to see the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. you need to be human. I don't believe Palestine at this point has religious motivation, at this point they're just trying to SURVIVE
  18. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    no. as a Christian, i;m well aware that Islam does not advocate for violence. You're taking these quotes out of context and cherry-picking lines to suit your pre-meditated agenda. hamas does not stand for Islam. it's a terrorist organisation filled with freedom fighters who have been oppressed...