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  1. N


    that's good
  2. N


    how many suspensions does the average nsw student get in hs
  3. N


    nah so right for that, no point stressing 🤷‍♀️
  4. N


    are u insinuating that wollongong schools are ghetto
  5. N


    I've never been suspended
  6. N


    no lets not im stressing now 💀
  7. N


    i honestly cant tell if ur serious or not, surely uve gotten a detention before at least??
  8. N


    no not regularly but like havent most ppl gotten a suspension at least once in their 6 yrs of high school?
  9. N


    wtf is the point of the question then
  10. N


    this is acc stupid, half of the students in any school have prolly got suspended at least once,, do they check ur school records if u lie???
  11. N

    unis in new zealand

    i tried but fsr its only asking when I'm returning to nz as an Australian student... i was never in nz???
  12. N

    unis in new zealand

    do i need to be a resident or citizen of nz to go to uni there, or would i be exempt from that if I'm already an aus citizen? uni of otago (to apply) needs a nz address + proof of residency, but then they say that aus citizens aren't international students? not rlly sure how it works
  13. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    well at least u prolly did well in the section that had the most weighting in the paper! tbh i reckon mod a and mod c are the hardest to get high marks in, so if u ace mod c from now ur practically set for the hsc (bc it takes a lot of time to perfect ur imaginative/discursive techniques). like...
  14. N

    Can someone check this proof please?? NSG 2020

    now whos the one talking abt seggs
  15. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    like before we started mod a? we just finished mod c
  16. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    we have like 3 ppl in our english cohort that are guaranteed acing the exam, is that enough for 20 ppl?
  17. N

    2023 HSC chat

    cant tell if ur being fr right now
  18. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    idk, we got it externally marked and we only started mod a 5 days before the exam soooo