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  1. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    he read a coho book
  2. N

    Attendance help

    don't act like u didn't know 💀
  3. N

    Attendance help

    k but what our papers were externally marked, what difference does it make
  4. N

    Attendance help

    damn what did i do to u bruh we did the independent paper
  5. N

    Attendance help

    its okay english is shit for everyone
  6. N

    Attendance help

    woah woah wait howd u go???
  7. N

    Attendance help

    when do u get marks back?
  8. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    yeah i know i already put only 10 units in 😭
  9. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    yeah that's a good idea, but like now I'm a bit sceptical bc i even put 80 and 75s in the calc and still got an exceptionally high atar, does alignment make that much of a difference??
  10. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    i havent done many past hsc papers so i acc don't know if 90 is achievable or not
  11. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    I DONT KNOW BRO IDK HOW THIS WORKS like is the alignment of marks completely accurate? how does the calc do it, what if alignment changes this yr I'm so confused
  12. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    no no I'm not upset at all I'm just confused bc like I'm putting only 90 for all my subjects and getting a 99.95??
  13. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    wait how accurate is this calc tho bc I'm getting 99.95 but there's absolutely no way, like it doesn't make sense
  14. N


    u could talk abt how cultural practices (eg. Indigenous) may be impeded on if land needs to be cleared for the production of biofuels, therefore negatively impacting on the social rights of individuals
  15. N

    2023 HSC chat

    ngl it was so intimidating tho, i made friends with this one group who all wanted to do med and I've never felt more incompetent in my life mfs have their whole life figured out "i wanna be a cardiothoracic angio blah surgeon" i wanted to cry
  16. N

    2023 HSC chat

  17. N

    2023 HSC chat

    PLS I LEFT it got too boring 💀
  18. N

    Attendance help

    OMG HEY BOO!!!!
  19. N

    School Prohibiting Subject

    yeah i think its allowed, my school does that too