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  1. N

    HSC 2023

    nooo get off that website, a lot of the time they're inaccurate. if u rlly wanna see what ur atar would look like, the uac compass is a better option like say this is how u do:
  2. N

    HSC 2023

    u can def get a high atar with any subject combo as long as u excel in those subjects. if u do badly in 'smart' subjects, its equally as possible that ur not gonna get a high atar. so just do ur best and see how it goesss
  3. N

    What to do when detention {insert skull emoji}

    I'm being serious, u should be worried. I've gotten suspended twice and I got a warning from nesa that they might give me N awards if i don't pull myself together
  4. N

    What to do when detention {insert skull emoji}

    no trust me it works, get his family's address and start subtly threatening him but don't be too obvious abt it
  5. N

    What to do when detention {insert skull emoji}

    I'm being deadass rn, talk to ur principal asap to get those detentions off ur school record
  6. N

    What to do when detention {insert skull emoji}

    no absolutely not, my friend was in ur situation last yr and her whole nesa account got removed
  7. N

    What to do when detention {insert skull emoji}

    have u considered maybe moving to another country??
  8. N

    What to do when detention {insert skull emoji}

    oh my god, im rlly sorry to say this but i don't even think that uac will let u make an application at all they don't take these typa things lightly
  9. N

    prelim math adv q :(

    yeah that's what everyone keeps telling me to do bc my school uses in focus
  10. N

    prelim math adv q :(

    no if i was to tutor someone id prolly make them wanna quit school
  11. N

    prelim math adv q :(

    no no i don't tutor i AM being tutored 😭
  12. N

    prelim math adv q :(

    i only started this yr
  13. N

    prelim math adv q :(

    i feel like my school just skipped over so much content bc other schools even said that they've done transformations of functions n graphs since yr 10 but the first time i saw them was in yr 12...
  14. N

    prelim math adv q :(

    im convinced my school is dumb we never learned this in yr 11 💀
  15. N

    trials are in 2 days

    no my chem teacher cooked it BURNED IT then got in trouble by the head of science dept bc we're not supposed to eat food in the labs
  16. N

    trials are in 2 days

    no we made eggs in the lab, tasted like ash
  17. N

    What is everyone studying the day before/day of their trials (Morning)?

    ^^ this is so underrated u don't want ur stomach gurgling in the middle of the exam esp when ur sat in the middle of the exam hall and everyone looks at u weirdly bc it just wont stop so u ask to go to the bathroom but u acc go to the canteen to get something to eat bc u want the sounds to stop...
  18. N

    eng prelim prep

    whats ur text for ur prelim exam?
  19. N

    Mod 7

    stfu it looks like a font
  20. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    come to think of it, is eng adv rlly ur thing?? its not too late to consider dropping