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  1. N

    Best feeder for James Ruse / Baulkham Hills High School

    tutoring at year 2??? bro they're practically still fetuses 😭
  2. N

    Best feeder for James Ruse / Baulkham Hills High School

    also pls let ur kid be a kid... he's five. if u start putting pressure on him from now it could be detrimental
  3. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    26.7 - phys trial nothing else bruh i have my math on Friday i should rlly study for that
  4. N

    What should I choose as my reserve subjects for Year 11?

    woah mod hist with eng adv + ext + ancient is very content heavy within itself, do u wanna consider putting a reserve that not as content heavy? like u would eliminate bio, business and legal just from that. soc + culture is rlly enjoyable, my friends are telling me abt how its basically free...
  5. N

    Should I repeat year 12 or transfer in uni?

    heyy can u pls elaborate on this? when did he transfer? just tryna gather options for myself too :))
  6. N

    Weird weightings for Trials??

    yeah i reckon rhapsody and preludes are the worst ones
  7. N

    Weird weightings for Trials??

    consider yourself lucky
  8. N


    NAH FR WAIT LISTEN for my eco prelim, i asked my teacher for ONE past paper, she ended up giving me half of it bc she "lost the other half," then i protested and got mad bc i told her she was neglecting the mf class by being a lazy ass by refusing to come up with new questions instead of...
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    Weird weightings for Trials??

  10. N


    ask ur teachers for past papers from ur school, a lot of the time they recycle questions or simply reword them (esp for subjects like bio and chem)
  11. N

    Weird weightings for Trials??

    ngl tho sometimes i mix up my context of specific quotes so badly that my essay ends up mix-matched 💀
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    enthalpy of combustion question

    ΔH = q/n *rearrange equation* n = q/ΔH
  13. N

    dropping eco....

    yeah imo if its not benefitting u so much, there's no harm in dropping and completely focusing on ur other subjects
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    dropping eco....

    how many units u at now? it sounds like ur pretty firm with ur decision to drop it bc there isn't anything stopping u from keeping it (apart from the fact that u enjoy it)
  15. N

    Weird weightings for Trials??

    we literally have the exact sm thing
  16. N

    Weird weightings for Trials??

    whens ur exam?
  17. N

    Weird weightings for Trials??

    imagine short answers making up 2.5% of ur trials... tf might as well not even do it
  18. N

    MyLearners fake hours

    WHAT that's crazy, they only flicked thru my book in a few secs and had enough 😭