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  1. N

    DR DU A1 CLASS??

    when does urs start
  2. N

    Year 11/Senior Subject Selection

    theyre pretty good! as long as u enjoy them, ull excel in them, bc there's no point picking a subject that u wont study for bc u hate it. modern history and legal are both content heavy, ull def realise that as u near ur prelims but they're a good combo bc u can use the content from each subject...
  3. N

    HSC Subject Selection

    sac requires a lot of writing (assignment style), kinda like history. but its a bit more chill than subjects like econ and pdhpe (which ties in elements of bio and health)
  4. N

    Ask me anything!

    go back to english tf
  5. N

    Ask me anything!

    stfu i made it in a rush
  6. N

    Ask me anything!
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    Ask me anything!

  8. N

    Ask me anything!

    omg i never thought abt that! tysm
  9. N

    Ask me anything!

    yall r gifted i swear chem makes me want to drop out 😭 my class sleeps while he's teaching, he never responds to emails, and refuses to give us material to work with in prep for trials bc he thinks we should 'learn to be independent' (kinda hard to do that tho when we need to learn half of mod 6...
  10. N

    Ask me anything!

    FRRR i ask a question and he pretends like he didn't hear me
  11. N

    Ask me anything!

    nah i get u, its so hard to get started but it'll feel so good when u get it out of the way so u don't stress later. my teachers are deciding to move onto new content next term that isn't in the trials, so we don't get to go over revision content in class, but my trials are in less than 2 weeks
  12. N

    Ask me anything!

  13. N

    Ask me anything!

    i was studying the night before till it got too late and dozed off 💀
  14. N

    Ask me anything!

    ull be okayyy, u don't need ur phone as much as u think u do. my studying is going so bad atm there's too much to cover and not enough time to do it. we have to learn new content that wasn't taught in school bc our teachers didn't have enough time to go over them, and its making me want to kms...
  15. N

    Ask me anything!

    honestly my biggest achievement would be finishing the exams without sleeping half way thru, i accidentally did that for chem in my prelims
  16. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    im embarrassing myself how did i not know 💀
  17. N

    Ask me anything!

    something that's helped me is using the 5 second rule, just give 5 secs to urself to collect ur thoughts and do SOMETHING, whether its getting a book to write on or starting a new document, and whenever u see urself get distracted u just use the rule. idk giving a countdown for myself kinda...
  18. N

    Ask me anything!

    fml i forgot that hsc is 3 months away