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  1. N

    Is it better to be tutored in chem or phys?

    okay not all of us are geniuses
  2. N

    Are we supposed to know how exactly the lewis theory of acids and bases works?

    fml 🤡 can anyone smuggle me into their school pls
  3. N

    Are we supposed to know how exactly the lewis theory of acids and bases works?

    what i was told that we don't need to know lewis theory 😭 we only should know Lavoisier, humphrey-davis, arrhenius and bronsted-lowry but maybe don't take my advice, my teacher's been wrong many times
  4. N

    Engineering Studies

    its okay its a shared collective human experience
  5. N

    Engineering Studies

    ur gifted 😍
  6. N

    Is it better to be tutored in chem or phys?

    that's the good part tho, wait till u get to relativistic momentum (I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW PPL FIND IT EASY)
  7. N


    nah i don't think so, honestly just making notes in yr 10 can help u refresh ur memory when u revisit them in yr 11/12, but i would say tut isnt worth it at this time
  8. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    if its quotes and doesn't take long to make flashcards outta them, write them on a piece of paper and constantly get someone to test u. the pressure of someone watching u revise is good
  9. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    write it out till ur hand is boutta fall off
  10. N

    Is it better to be tutored in chem or phys?

    do not consider. delete it from your mind. it no longer exists
  11. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    if u need prelim practice, maybe look for yr 11 content in trial papers eg for math and chem. i did that and it helped significantly tbh ik this isn't related to chem or physics, but doing this especially helped in English
  12. N

    Is it better to be tutored in chem or phys?

    some of it also depends on the quality of ur teachers at school. if u find that ur teachers rarely give you feedback and you dont benefit from the school lessons, def consider a tutor. otherwise, a good teacher and a good textbook is often all u need to pull urself up
  13. N

    Engineering Studies

    id have to disagree, the amt of ppl doing SciX per year is so low, yet it scales quite well
  14. N

    organic chem shape of molecules

    ISTFG IM MOVING SCHOOLS my teacher assured us that none of this is relevant to the hsc wtf 😭
  15. N

    organic chem shape of molecules

    is this in the syllabus? i got told that we're not tested on the geometry and angle of molecules in the hsc
  16. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    STFUUUU 🤨🙄 yk damn well