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  1. N

    subject selection: ancient vs modern history

    i had to choose between mod hist and economics and tbf i don't know if i regret it..
  2. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    3.6 - 3 hrs of economics (i want to scream) - some english mod a context work - 2 chapters math nothing else rlly, kinda disappointed tbh but today was my "off" day after a shit week
  3. N

    cases help?

    then don't 🌝
  4. N

    cases help?

    yep thank you so much! my teacher has just been placing a lot of emphasis on it and a couple of students in my class doing case studies on this (which relates to every other subtopic within the economic issues topic so its easily adaptable),, so I'm just tryna cover all my basis also an essay...
  5. N

    cases help?

    i have an in-class exam coming up and i need a couple of cases for topic 3 (economic issues), specifically to do with external stability (fsr my teacher has been focusing a lot on this, idk if he's hinting that it'll be important for the test) i don't rlly have any case studies on current...
  6. N

    equations of motion

    truu but i rlly like the ppl at my work so ig its nice to get out of studying for a bit while getting paid (even if it isn't that much)
  7. N

    equations of motion

    well i mean its 2 weekdays week A and 2 weekdays + 1 weekend day on week B, each shift is ~3 hrs (but i sometimes end early depending on if they need me anymore or not)
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    equations of motion

    nah its acc recommended for uni applications n resumes
  9. N

    Can i get an atar of above 90 while only doing advanced maths?

    not doing ext subjects doesnt predetermine ur atar range, doing "easy" subjects doesn't bring ur atar down as long as u exceed in them. but again, that goes for every subject. judging from ur ranks rn, ur doing rlly well! keep up the good work
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    equations of motion

    damn 😭 i have work on weekdays 😍
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    equations of motion

    yall r up at 8am...
  12. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    yesss well done king 😍
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    2023 HSC chat

    i get u tho its an actual crisis, the prices r outrageous
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    2023 HSC chat

    I'm texting from the ghetto as we speak, no ones on my level
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    2023 HSC chat

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    2023 HSC chat

    can i adopt one pls
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    2023 HSC chat

    no sm lmfao they pressured me to take the test before i do my trials and tbf I'm grateful for that
  18. N

    Need Practice essay Questions - labour markets (prelim)

    yep I'm also the root cause of the non-existent australian economic boom
  19. N

    Need Practice essay Questions - labour markets (prelim)
