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  1. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    ppl like u need to be in jail
  2. N

    Are morning classes worth it ?

    this was back when my classes used to be in the morning (but r now in the arvo) -- teacher would show up half an hr late anyways and half the time everyone's just cracking jokes (the work was mostly done at home)
  3. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    21/5 - 2.5 hrs sci ext mod 3 study - 3 hrs math calculus (fmllll) - 2 hrs power nap (this was essential) im so mf tired but i have so much left to do 😭 honestly contemplating going to sleep rn and waking up early tmr to study but ik damn well ill snooze my alarm
  4. N

    Can i be an engineer if i did general math?

    girl ur responding 6 yrs later 😭
  5. N

    What is a good title for my creative piece

    NO I GOT IT PERFECTLY IMPERFECT 😍💅🏽 or like perfectly flawed or sum
  6. N

    Are morning classes worth it ?

    no i skip out on all of them, when else am i supposed to sleep
  7. N


    imma be honest all i know from eurovision is abba
  8. N

    How's your study going now VS the beginning of the year?

    your name is ms grape taco. enough said. head into ur textbook pls.
  9. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    you're right but wasn't this thread political in the first place 😭 honestly so tru, appreciate u saying this. this argument would go one for ages without reaching a resolution, no point even trying
  10. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    again who are the "ones"??? u tryna generalise all foreigners under the "uber" umbrella?
  11. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    r u mentally incompetent or can u just not read im literally saying that the issue is with the work placements and ur out here saying that foreign students haven't earned their place in the medical workforce or they're here to become uber drivers if u acc read what i wrote, ud understand that...
  12. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    nah cuz ur acting like int students pay the sm amount as domestic students in uni, they're already proving their place. u wanna see more domestic student in med degrees? make them perform better. until then, it looks like foreign students r doing a better job at EARNING their place in degrees...
  13. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    no ofc i just have a lot of work to do lmao
  14. N

    How's your study going now VS the beginning of the year?

    sm i started off so motivated but now i just wanna get it done idc
  15. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    plan for today (21/5) - finish sciX revision - math adv prac exams - bio revision for every mod aim: 8hrs study
  16. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    u made a todo list at mf 3am