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  1. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    i think they're making math compulsory too (which makes sense tbf, most uni degrees involve SOME level of math, even taxes n bills n whatnot)
  2. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    FR ITS ALWAYS CHEM EXTENDING BEYOND THE SYLLABUS we're wasting time doing shii that's prolly not even gonna be on the hsc
  3. N

    pca cadetship

    can u elaborate on why u think that way abt Macquarie? some other ppl have said the sm thing, i just wanna learn more abt it
  4. N

    Early entry question

    what does she wanna do it uni? maybe it'll be good for her if shes doing politics or law or sum
  5. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    23/5 today was a shit day, i want to forget it so bad had a nap but it just didn't hit right - did an hr of math and half an hr of chem, read over some english and that's literally it
  6. N

    Early entry question

    and whos going to uni of can...
  7. N

    what is meant by subject areas?

    huh? i know someone doing that atm
  8. N

    what is meant by subject areas?

    i think that's talking abt 4 'ideal' subjects in addition to english (compulsory 2 units). this means that u need to fill up the remaining EIGHT units which could be whatever u want (even if its fewer subject areas). so if u want, u could do eng adv + ext 1 + ext 2, math adv + ext 1 + ext 2 +...
  9. N

    what is meant by subject areas?

    4 subject areas? ive never heard of that, u very much are able to do those subjects as far as I'm aware
  10. N

    Early entry question

    but a lot of unis still do go thru uac for early entry (eg uni of Canberra, uow as well i think), ud have to check on their websites just to make sure
  11. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    idk they said "Usernames cannot be changed unless in exceptional circumstances. It is not clear how your username (which has no mention of real names) meets that exceptional circumstance."
  12. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    FRRR that's what I'm saying
  13. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    update: i couldnt get my name changed
  14. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    my study periods r rant sessions
  15. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    hi besties 😍 22/5 - 1 hr math - 2 hrs scix - 3hr nap (it was so lovely, yall just had to know)
  16. N

    Can I catch up? How much studying should I do per day?

    that's what everyone's saying and its making me think my class is getting ahead for no reason, like even the ext ppl r saying so?
  17. N

    Can I catch up? How much studying should I do per day?

    am i the only one finding adv content difficult atm, applications of calc makes me wanna 🤡🔫
  18. N

    HSC Business Studies Tutor

    my sincere apologies jimmy
  19. N

    Are morning classes worth it ?

    no its not that bad I've made friends with the rats