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  1. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    exactly, i regret it a couple of hrs later when I'm dozing off in class
  2. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    stay mad, u know I'm right
  3. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    umm... I'm literally batman, i do my work at night. I'm too busy saving ur stupid ass in the day
  4. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    naps > 8hrs sleep at night
  5. N

    How do I write with more sophistication and academic language?

    yeah not sure, i was kinda taking it from the perspective of hsc marking bc some of the exemplars I've read also include sophisticated 'jargon' ig, hsc marker teacher liked it
  6. N

    How do I write with more sophistication and academic language?

    I'm gonna have to disagree here, my teacher seemed to be happy with my inclusion of these elements and commended me on it. considering that that he's a hsc marker, id recommend it too
  7. N

    How do I write with more sophistication and academic language?

    it is evident = it is thus axiomatic that ___ purpose: the composer contends/challenges/illuminates/elucidates ___ use a lot of linking words: correspondingly, consequently, etc going past a single interpretation: however, the composer supercedes or transcends this superficial...
  8. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    yall i just had the most scrumpdidlyumptious nap
  9. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    40 whole papers??? in one night??
  10. N

    Proof that anyone can do anything literally right now.

    I'm so sorry, your life must be so melancholic
  11. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    ngl this made me laugh or whatever 🤓
  12. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    id rather use up my storage on brent faiyaz
  13. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    take ur mental instability somewhere else, do u just have a stash of pixelated memes that ur itching to use whenever u get the chance?
  14. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    wait i think i did too
  15. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    yes idk how ppl r comfortable or get work done on buses and trains 😭maybe its just the times i get them tho since a lot of other students get the sm ones
  16. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    kinda hard to forget tf??
  17. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    sm way i described ur assembly, I'm just everywhere all at once
  18. N

    Craziest Academic Comeback or not

    how tf do u get work done on the bus there r kids screaming everywhere and a rando yr 7 couple making out at the back