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  1. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    I'm not worried abt getting 8hrs sleep tho,, my naps are just 😍😩🫶
  2. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    "motivation is dead" proceeds to study how much i do in a week
  3. N

    Can anybody give me a very rough ATAR estimate

    omd these marks r quite good using uac compass (which doesnt take into acc ur rank, so ur atar may be higher or lower)
  4. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    NO, I've made a risk assessment, I'm going thru with it. i hate myself 💀
  5. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    25.5 - 1.5 hr english mod b revision - beautiful nap, best I've ever had - literally nothing (why I'm pulling an all nighter)
  6. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    my naps r the only thing keeping me sane atm and even that's debatable
  7. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    why u mad triggered huh 😭
  8. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    I'm gonna regret it so bad tmr, i have ext class after school 😭
  9. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    ive decided that im gonna pull an all nighter
  10. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    "Writing's not easy. That's why Grammarly can help. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's wordy, and hard to read."
  11. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    ywww ❤️ (idk what arkham is)
  12. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    umm... bat-man. idfk what ur asking
  13. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    wait with like batman or school
  14. N

    tutoring for year 9+10

    u live in orange?? nah makes sense tbf