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  1. I

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Shit I went worse than expected. Got 64 in 2012 but hoping for 56-57 for this. Will that make an E4? 56/70?
  2. I

    MX1 Predictions

    Oh god projectile motion. Most of the time its a complete joke but sometimes I fail so hard, like 2011....only 3 marks, but damn. I'm hoping for a good 6-7 marks on parametrics. Locus/Parametrics is always a joke in 3 unit. Reflective property anyone?
  3. I

    E4 cut off estimate?

    I did 2012 yesterday, and I found it MULTITUDES easier than this. I got 75raw in 2012, and this I expect somewhere 67ish...I am so frustrated. Worst case; 63, best case, 72 (doubtful). E4 material?!
  4. I

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    I think I was holding back tears after that exam. I got 92 in trial, and this I expect high 60s. Will that make E4? Found this very difficult. Without silly's I could've achieved 75 but i began to feel very sick at start of exam + general difficulty. I also hate the new format of the exam...
  5. I

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    IIRC Verdun was not captured by the french. I said only statement 2 is correct. As Statement 1 was incorrect, they didn't gain more territory.
  6. I

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Links with Concentration Camps, the Holocaust, the 'Jew Flats' Time as Armaments Minister and the Nazi War Effort His reaction to the 'Scorched earth' policy of 1944-1945 The Nuremburg Trials
  7. I

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Aren't we feeling modest today eh
  8. I

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Beautiful. Hoping for 22-23 all sections. I was planning to study that personality question for Speer for both A and B but never got around to it. PERFECT ESSAYS FOR Cold War and Germany!! Our whole class predicted those and did great essay plans and stuff. Very much hoping for 90+ raw...
  9. I

    Official: 2013 Modern History HSC Exam predictions thread

    I don't know why people are predicting cultural + social life. I'll do an essay on it sure, but Racial Policy and other topics are older that haven't been tested.
  10. I

    Official: 2013 Modern History HSC Exam predictions thread

    Germany 1) Accession to power of Hitler 2) Impact of the Great Depression (could be combined with 1) 3) Nazi racial policy 4) German social and cultural life 5) The role of nationalism in point (1) ^^ Almost certain it will be at least one of those, I'm hoping for either "Account for the...
  11. I

    How many past papers have you done ?

    I'm just doing questions 1-5 (pre-2012 maths papers ) of 4 unit because lol just don't even bother the last two are lucky dip
  12. I

    Estimated Raw Mark for band 6?

    From various people on here I've heard anywhere from 81-85. Usually 83ish I hear.
  13. I

    Dat 7 marker.

    So if I did rights of lesbians and gay individuals; Toonen v Australia Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act 1994 Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 Crimes (Amendment) Act 1984 & 2003 Surrogacy Act 2010 Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Act 2010 etc etc that's fine?
  14. I

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    Hoping for 85 raw, unlike 89 in trial lol. Hopefully I can pull through. I started to get hell worried when people were like "BEST EXAM EVR!!11" but we'll see.
  15. I

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    I was on my conclusion on 10th page but the essay was pretty bad, totally made up on the spot andbullshitted through the nature of world order. Hoping for 20...
  16. I

    Multiple Choice

    I said 11D....role of the victim in circle sentencing? Oh god, if I got 11, 12, 17, 18, 20 wrong just laters ATAR laters Band 6
  17. I

    Multiple Choice

    What was 20? I know that good old Quentin does the Royal Assent of the bills and considered that a "review" because she can revoke them. Everyone seems to have written the executive applies the legislation. So lost on that one. and the forfeiture of assets question I was SO CONFUSED is it...
  18. I

    Dat 7 marker.

    Sorry, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/intersex/queer (the acronym is becoming far too long) rights
  19. I

    Crime Extended Response

    I wrote about Statutory and Judicial Guidelines, the Crimes Amendment (Murder of Police Officers) Act, the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013 (the bikie one in Qld from like monday) and some cases like R v Henry for judicial guidelines and standard non-parole periods, saying...
  20. I

    Multiple Choice

    Almost certain that 16 is B; going to JAIL is not a DIVERSIONARY PROGRAM; and almost certain that 18 is B; a non-statutory charter of rights could still be adapted to changing values, but not amendable by the House of Reps. Rest I agree. I had NO idea for 12...