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  1. I

    Combinations help

    Hi all, could you help a fellow maths kid out here, I'm a bit stuck. All questions sourced from Fitzpatrick. I know the answers just not the steps to get there. 1) In how many ways can 3 cards be selected from a pack of 52 cards, if: i) at least one ace is selected; ii) not more than one is...
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    3 Complex Numbers Questions - HW Help

    Yeah I have no idea about how to do 2c. HALP! haha. Thanks.
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    3 Complex Numbers Questions - HW Help

    Thankyou so much! Just with Q1, why isn't it z=1+3i, 1-3i, 1+0i? Because you retrieved y=0 as a soln in the equating of the imaginary bits?
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    3 Complex Numbers Questions - HW Help

    Hi everyone, I received a massively long assignment on C.N. this week and can't seem to get the three questions here (the ones with the black stars next to them). Could anyone help a fellow MX2'er out here? You'll practice your own skills! :) The image is attached because I CBF to be bothered to...
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    Trig Differentiation

    I did: d/dx tanx = sec^2 x So the normal is just -cos^2 x - (cosx)^2 x=30 degrees, - (sqrt3/2)^2 =-3/4
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    Trig Differentiation

    Hi guys, I just couldn't get the answer on some practice multiple choice my teacher gave me. Find the gradient of the normal to the curve y=tanx at the point where x=pi/6. I kept getting -3/4. The four possible answers are: a) -1/3 b) 1/(sqrt3) c) 3 d) -(sqrt3)
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    Share your marks here, peeps

    English Adv: 1/70 (88%) Modern History: 1/20 (94%) SOR1: 1/50ish (100%) Legal: 2/14 (98%) Maths 2U: =14/90 (Dropped 2mks) (95%) Maths 3U: =8/45 (Dropped 4mks) (91%) Maths 4U: 4/12 (88%)
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    Are you GAY?

  9. I

    Advice to Julia Gillard

    Fire your hairdresser. Fire your designer. Fire your tailor. Simple.
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    Scientific Calculator App for iPad?

    Hi all, I didn't know where to post this. However, I've tried loads of calculator apps for iPhone and iPad, but I really want a scientific one like the ones we use in school. Where you can do long equations in the calculator and visualise it all, instead of being able to do one thing at a...
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    Another "What Ranks Do I Need for 97+" Thread

    Hi everyone. Title explains all. Subject (Cohort Size) 2 Unit Mathematics (I may drop MX2) (90) English Advanced (~60) Mathematics Extension 1 (42) Mathematics Extension 2 (12) Modern History (21) Legal Studies (14) Studies of Religion, 1 Unit (75) School Rank as of 2012: ~190 (I...
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    2012 School Rankings

    What does DA and the % mean (in simple English?) SO proud that my school is back in the top 200, if only just. We were >300 a while back. Next year, my cohort better get us in the top 150!
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    Study plans for the holidays?

    Wait, do we need supplementary texts for any of the modules? (Not AOS)? Besides that, my school issued a document with every subject and recommended holiday hw. I'm doing all that, plus planning to finish the 2U maths HSC course.
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    Results are out?

    Can any of you read?
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    MX1/2u Term 1 Practice Papers??

    Hi everyone, I have an MX1 exam on Tuesday, and 2U exam on wednesday (the last day of school :/) anyway, besides the two I scoured from a teacher, does anyone know where I can find past papers for the term 1 exam? Our 3U exam has Parametrics+Polynomials, and 2U has geometrical application...
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    Multiple Choice

    I don't understand 13. I thought it was C? :/
  17. I

    How are u 2013'ers finding MX2?

    We're getting towards the latter end of Complex Numbers, and we've started Curve Sketching which is very cool. Complex numbers as a concept is initially understandable but the unity stuff is weird, and I had problems with the roots of complex no's
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    Prelim Exam Results

    Maths 2U - 96% - 2nd MX1 - 88% - 4th Legal - 96% - 1st (Dropped all my marks this year in that test, 4 multiple choice. Damn) Modern - 86% - 5th Chem - 60% - 9th SOR1 - 88% - ? Eng Adv - 64% - ?
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    42 hours

    You guys get to come late when you have a free first? So jelly. We still have to come for tutor group (roll call) even though we have roll call every lesson :/ But we can leave early considering we get a note. yay
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    A Gift to the BOS Community

    Don't worry too much, I was just wondering if you had more. Thanks a bunch.