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  1. I

    A Gift to the BOS Community

    Don't worry too much, I was just wondering if you had more. Thanks a bunch.
  2. I

    42 hours

    I start on Tuesday. And then we have a week (or a couple of weeks for Maths) of prelim work. trollface.jpg But seriously, I'm looking forward to it. In Modern I'm going to be doing areas of history I really enjoy, Legal gets a bit more interesting. I begin 4U maths which I like maths already...
  3. I

    Did your classes actually finish the Prelim course?

    Hey all, I was wondering if this was a weird issue at my school or what, but with my 3U maths class (which is the same as our 2U class) we didn't finish the Prelim course, and we still have a couple chapters to go, like: - Logarithms - Permutations and Combinations - Parametrics - half of...
  4. I

    A Gift to the BOS Community

    Hey, I was just wondering, are the subjects up there the only ones you have access to atm? Was keen for Legal papers, but your papers for 2U, 3U and 4U saved my life #winning (Curious, how did you get access to all of them in the first place?)
  5. I

    So apparently they are getting rid of Belonging...

    I was talking about this with my english teacher, and she said: The 2014ers will find it hard as there are no past notes or guidelines or examples to gain ideas from, however thhe 2014ers will find it better as there is more opportunity for originality, because if they did belonging it is...
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    What subjects are you dropping ?

    WHAT 16 UNITS?!? How does that even work?
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    What subjects are you dropping ?

    Chemistry when my Studies Coordinator lets me. He got it into my mum's head that I'm "confused". 13 Units :/
  8. I

    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    iPhone 4 English Advanced Mathematics Extension 1 Mathematics Extension 2 Chemistry Modern History Legal Studies SOR 1U Total: 13 Units (Studies coordinator wants me to :/) ATAR hopes: 95+. I want to do BIGS (B. Intl and Global Studies), not sure which University. It's all a bit confusing...
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    I have an individual binder for each, and inside is a workbook and plastic sleeve. I don't know what I'm going to do notes wise; I may buy lots of loose-leaf and have a separate study binder at home. Do you guys put study and in class notes in different folders?
  10. I

    Locus help?

    Falsenthusiam how did you type that maths? Also, to answer the OPs question I did the same method and got the same answer. Should be correct.
  11. I

    4U Maths, or continue with Chem?

    Hey everyone. I have this dilemma, you see. I really don't want to do 10 Units next year because incase I am worried that: 1. That requires having to try in SOR1 and I really don't want to 2. That means if I only do 10 Units, I can fuck anything up majorly. However, I am finding Chemistry...
  12. I

    Part time work in the Prelim year?

    I was talking with my maths teacher the other day, and he said working in the prelim + HSC years "ridiculous" I was just wondering: 1. Do you have a part-time job? If you don't, would you get one if there was one available? I personally don't have one and was interested in getting one until...
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    Modern History Create Propaganda Task help

    Hi everyone, I got a task today for group work for my next assessment task, which says: The World at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century was about gaining Allies. Your task is to choose a country from the list below and design a propaganda campaign to attract Allies for your chosen country...
  14. I

    Assessment thread.

    Rank 12th in Maths Ext 1 out of 52 boys, Rank 9th in Maths 2 Unit out of 104 boys Rank 1st in Legal Studies out of 21 boys Rank 4th in Studies of Religion 1 out of 92 boys Rank 9th in Chemistry out of 49 boys Rank 3rd in Modern History out of 31 boys Unknown rank for Adv English. Happy with...
  15. I

    Worst/Best subjects!?

    Ease Legal Studies 10/10 Mathematics 2U 10/10 SOR 1U 9/10 Modern History 7/10 Maths Ext 1 7/10 English Adv. 6/10 Chemistry 4/10 Interest Modern History 10/10 Mathematics 10/10 Maths Ext 1 10/10 Chemistry 8/10 Legal...
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    Molar Theory - Chemistry

    Hi everyone, I just got my mid course exam (in class exam) back for Chemistry and whilst still getting above the class average my mark was still only 21.5/38 which is only 56%. My main problem was Molar Theory. I can remember all the formulae, but I can't figure out how to apply any of it. My...
  17. I

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    Best: English Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 1, Chemistry (even though I suck at it) Worst: Physics (already dropped it) Advanced English (our teacher sucks)
  18. I

    Assessment thread.

    Wow - great work everyone! Obviously everyone on here will go well if we are on an online forum about studying. My average of all my marks was 87.5%. My best yet - finally when teachers say 'if you have done your best, then be proud' finally represents me! Happy holidays everyone!
  19. I

    How much hours are you studying a day?

    I study for Chem and MX1/MT throughout the term, and the rest towards exam time (3wk before). They are my two hardest subjects, so it kinda makes sense?
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    Difference between sophistication and verbosity

    Don't use too much sophisticated langage, but it really depends how your cohort/class is. If they are all semi-intelligent and you have a teacher that likes you/you like, then use language that you feel comfortable with. If you don't have a particularly good relationship with the teacher, or...