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  1. K

    YouTube vids unloading

    Re: YouTube vids not loading Actually, that's what i'll do tomorrow =]
  2. K

    YouTube vids unloading

    Re: YouTube vids not loading Nope, still not working.
  3. K

    YouTube vids unloading

    YouTube vids not loading Hi, I'm not sure what i did but the majorit of vids in Youtube no longer load. For example, when trying to view a clip, the vid stays on "loading" indefinately. And the browser tells me that the page has "done" finishing loading the page. It's not working on firefox...
  4. K

    Young Achievement Australia

    What did you guys sell? My company has finalised our product today, and the verdict was..... INFLATABLE PILLOWS !!! LoL
  5. K

    Young Achievement Australia

    Bump. Some people have withdrawn and we currently have 16 people. Our sponsor is accepting people to join our forces :)
  6. K

    how to make a forum??

    Sorry to bump an old thread. I'm currently using and it's being under maintenance for almost 2 days. Can any recommend me a forum hosting service that does not undertake such long maintenance? I dont mind paying a price as long as its reasonable for the service it provides...
  7. K

    The worst job you've ever had?

    You dont need to be "qualified" to be a health consultant at Herbalife. Herbalife employees are essentially manipulative salespeople. I know what i'm talking about because i was a former Herbalife employee.
  8. K

    Home and Away

    Has anyone else noticed the change of the singer in the introduction? It's so much better now.
  9. K

    Cadetships 2008/09

    Re: Cadetships 2007 Nah, that's not what i meant. Nevermind. I misread the previous posts.
  10. K

    Cadetships 2008/09

    Re: Cadetships 2007 It's unfortunate that employers still judge a book by its cover.
  11. K

    FINC2011 stuff

    Do you guys still have Julianne as lecturer?
  12. K

    Home and Away

    you guys are spammers @_@ i get so many emails on notifications that someone has replied to this thread.
  13. K

    Home and Away

    Amanda is leaving? NNOoooOOOO!!!!
  14. K

    smh tertiary card for $20

    ^ Same as above. I sometimes do not other to pick weekday papers especially when i am not in the mood.... because the paper usually contains more bad news than good news.
  15. K

    Please Help Me

    If you're a local student, fees are about 6k a year (two semesters) depending on the subjects you pick. It's even cheaper if you are able make upfront payments. If it makes you feel any better, my brother went to one of the lowest ranked high schools in NSW. Nevertheless, he went to TAFE then...
  16. K

    Young Achievement Australia

    I'm already registered with the one located at North Sydney. The only problem i have with this is that its weekly meeting time clashes with one of my tutorials. The other one sponsored by another company is located at macquarie park which is a bitch to travel to... (i've received an email today...
  17. K

    Young Achievement Australia

    What usually happens during the two hour meeting every week?
  18. K

    Young Achievement Australia

    Has anyone done this before? What are your experiences? Thanks =] P.S. I know this thread has already been created in yr 11 forums, but am hoping more responses from uni students. Though, all comments welcome.
  19. K

    JPMorgan Portfolio Competition

    Any know why Orica's share price boomed recently?
  20. K

    JPMorgan Portfolio Competition

    How is profit/loss calculated? The market price of stock x has gone up from my purchase price... but i still get a loss.