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  1. K

    Beauty Regime

    My goodness. I never knew girls put so much chemicals onto their skin :|
  2. K

    facial masks

    Hi lourai*87, how much are the avon clay mask? I used to use clearasil for years and saw little improvement. Actually, it caused a lot of dryness and itchiness to my face.
  3. K

    hair cuts hair cuts

    How much do you people pay for hair cuts?
  4. K

    facial masks

    I don't recommend seeing a dermatologist as it is way too expensive. I used to get a facial done once a week which costed me $79 a session.
  5. K

    facial masks

    Hey there.... What's your budget?
  6. K

    talk about a skills shortage

    That is so not true. I have asked many international accounting students why they chose to study here in Australia. All of which gave me the same answer: They believe accountancy is the easiest way to get a job and hence, permanent residency in Australia. I second that. International...
  7. K

    Anyone into Amway?

    I agree in that Amway's product are top brands. Unlike other companies, they dont waste millions upon millions of dollars on advertising convincing potential customers that they have the highest quality products. Insteadm Amway uses its funds on research and development to produce top-class...
  8. K

    Anyone into Amway?

    Assuming Amway is a scam, then why do people still be part of it? Wouldn't people want to leave Amway if it really was a waste of time? If that was the case, one by one people would quit and there would be no line of organization. Then why is Amway still in existence for 45 years?
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    Ernst & Young

    Doesn't that apply to all accountants :) ...??
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    The Biggest Loser

    I don't like Jo either. She threw a bitch to Kristy when she complimented how Jo lost so much and she was seen as a threat back to the house. And then Jo tells Kristy to shove something up Kristy's ass on front on national T.V. Jo got owned by Kristy and said "oh why don't we all just go back to...
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    The Biggest Loser

    Wow... he won by 800 grams!
  12. K

    The Biggest Loser

    How much did Adro needed to lose? It was the absolute right decision to bring Adro into the final 4. I am so proud of him.
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    The Biggest Loser

    How did Adro get back in the final 4?
  14. K

    Bullies take sticks and stones from playground to internet

    I think the BOS forums has changed a lot over the years. I used to post a lot in the HSC section where i get help and i help others. Posts were generally informative and threads were productive. But now we have people creating troll accounts, flaming and abusing members because there is no...
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    The Biggest Loser

    Exactly! And didn't she gain weight on several weekly weighings? I remember Fiona saying that she needed to lose about 50 kilos to ultimately become the biggest loser. What a huge difference between her and Harry. They should introduce a new rule that whenever a weight gain occurs, that person...
  16. K

    The Biggest Loser

    The Biggest Loser needs a change of rules. Fiona should have been eliminated a long time ago. In fact, she shouldn't even be on the show. She's constantly below the yello line and now that she is in the final 3, she thinks she's superior to the other contestants. Go Adro you beast !!
  17. K

    losing weight?

    Yes, stressing does make you lose weight and make you appear thinner. But like i said earlier, stressing does cause damage to the Villi. So the reason why you are losing weight is because your body is unable to absorb and obtain enough nutrients to produce new cells and tissues. Therefore from...