Search results

  1. K

    Home and Away

    I didnt know she's leaving. Did she have a reason to leave?
  2. K

    Usyd Email: Block function?

    Yea i tried that, but that only deletes those unwanted emails in my inbox. It doesn't block further incoming junk from the same sender. what971: The first semester data on Blackboard stays there. Don't think you can get rid of it.
  3. K

    Usyd Email: Block function?

    Hi Someone has been using my Usyd email account to subscribe to various porn sites and so i have been receiving numerous porn newsletters. I cannot find a block function to block future spam. I've tried the filter options but they were no good in preventing further emails.
  4. K

    FINANCE 2011 - Online Quiz

  5. K

    Name for Internet Cafe

    :confused: how about... quikconnectz...or...quickclick......dashnet.... :)
  6. K

    Name for Internet Cafe

    The first thing that came into mind about that title was "cheap" also meaning ...shit.
  7. K

    Textbooks: Buy/Sell

    just go to buy/sell
  8. K

    Your top 25 videogames of all time

    My most addicted games 1. DDR <--- omg spent so much money on this 2. Counter-strike 3. Street Fighter 3: Third strike 4. Super Street Fighter Turbo 5. Street Fighter EX 2 plus 6. Street Fighter Alpha 3 7. Street Fighter the movie..... not 7. Marvel vs Capcom 8. Zelda: Ocarina of...
  9. K


    Where does it say this?
  10. K

    FINC2012: Corporate Finance

    Marks are released today. Got an F which was expected. Never to procrastinate ever again!
  11. K

    Chartered Accountants Careers Conference 2006 - Sydney and Melbourne

    When is it? I'm having second thoughts -_-"
  12. K

    newest salary survey

    Is it just me or the link doesn't work
  13. K

    Chartered Accountants Careers Conference 2006 - Sydney and Melbourne

    Was thinking about going but....................... no.
  14. K

    Accounting 1A Results

    Sif you fail. You love accounting. I can tell coz you post on BOS accounting threads daily :)
  15. K

    Top Internet Service Providers?

    Thanks for the replies. What does everyone think about DoDo's services?
  16. K

    Top Internet Service Providers?

    Hey everyone, I'm current ISP is optus and i just realized how expensive it is (my brother pays for the bill and i had no idea on the pricing). I urgently need suggestions on ISP that i can switch to. I am looking for ADSL/Cable connection types and require minimum of 5 gigs of download...
  17. K

    FINC2012: Corporate Finance

    Failed it without doubt. I made the dumbest decision by staying up all night which totally backfired. I came into the exam with complete exhaustion and was unable to recall the simplest formulas and methods to get me started doing any questions. After the first half hour, i was so tired that i...
  18. K

    ECMT 1001 Exam

    Yes that is true.
  19. K

    Acct2012 - Exam

    I thought it was mentioned several times that master budget is in question 6...?