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  1. K


    One of the workers in the easyway store between UTS adn Usyd is indian.
  2. K

    INFS Bibliography Discussion.

    I wouldn't say it's more difficult. I don't know the pass/failure rate but i've recently been told that the final exam is 'easy to pass but difficult to do well in'. Here are my opinions on the subject: Pros: - No maths - relatively easy to study for Cons: - There is no creativity involved...
  3. K

    Home and Away

    Is that how tash got in the show? That max found her at the rocks? What the heck was she doing there? Max seems small at that time.... isn't he a big kid now?
  4. K

    INFS Bibliography Discussion.

    Hey guys, dont do INFS2001 (doing it this sem) ... it's really boring and much worse than INFS1000
  5. K

    Home and Away

    Do you know when Amanda is leaving? I want her to stay as long as possible.
  6. K

    Home and Away

    Is there why actors of tash and robbie are leaving the show?
  7. K

    Usage of Sydney Library computers

    Thank you, that was helpful.
  8. K

    Usage of Sydney Library computers

    From where i was sitting, the computer was positioned that the monitor was facing the queue. So the people lining up for computers could see what i was browsing. I understand how people would get pissed at me for watching a video when they could use the computer to finish their assignment. But i...
  9. K

    Usage of Sydney Library computers

    I would say the same to those who want to use a computer to study. Go home and do it. Or if these people are doing their assignment on the last minute, that's their fault. As far as Usyd's free bandwidth allows, anyone should be able to view whatever they please. And besides, Usyd's free...
  10. K

    Usage of Sydney Library computers

    I'm in Usyd Fisher library computers at the moment and was just watching a youtube video. Someone (not a usyd stafff) came up to me and said "Are you playing games? You could give up your computer to someone who needs it". The first thing that came to my mind was ... "what the fuck are you...
  11. K

    Asian guys going out with non-asian girls?

    That is so true. I'm asian and short for a guy (genetic). Everytime i walk pass a tall and built aussie guy, i'm always tellin myself "fuk.... i wish i had his body"
  12. K

    the apprentice is back!

    i loooved carolyn!!!
  13. K

    the apprentice is back!

    And oh, d'you guys know that Trump recently fired Carolyn Kepcher (the female judge). She no long works for the trump organization.
  14. K

    the apprentice is back!

    LoL. I've already dled and watched the whole series weeks ago. Best apprentice series yet.
  15. K

    Home and Away

    I would also like to know what happened today. Has dean admitted that his gay yet?
  16. K

    Home and Away

    Ha. Dean's gay. That's hot!
  17. K

    Acct 1b Groupwork marks.

    holy crap at the averages. If i remember correctly, the final exam for acct1b is very tough. And that is likely to be the case this semester considering the average marks are in the distinction range.
  18. K

    City/Eastern Suburbs HSC Maths 2u/3u, Chem, Phy Tuition UAI 99.45 James Ruse ^^

    If i were an HSC student, i would select this tutor. Some other tutors are charging at a whopping rate of $40 which i think is absolutely ridiculous.
  19. K

    Home and Away

    can someone tell me what Lucas witnessed during the last few minutes of tonight's episode? I just missed it and only saw the part where he was shocked at something that he saw when spying on Dean.
  20. K

    Steve Irwin dead

    I barely knew Steve Irwin (didnt even know his name till now but as 'crocodile hunter') but i feel extremely sad about his passing because he was a ambitious environmentalist and a true aussie icon. So sad.