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  1. K

    CLAW2201 - Corporations Law

    Hey Guys, I came late to the last lecture. Could someone list the contents that will be covered in the exam please? Thanks!
  2. K

    Advice for a friend...

    ROFL... brogan's posts always crack me up!
  3. K

    Checking E-mails using Outlook 2003

    Nope, that doesnt work either :(
  4. K

    ok is this a jib?

    Personally, i would stay at the work desk as it is more professional and technical based than maccas. In future interviews, you can talk about the analytical skills and technical skills (and so on) that you have developed as a junior technician. However, if money is more of importance at this...
  5. K

    CA vs CPA?

    And the rest were probably too embarassed to be labelled as accountants.
  6. K

    Checking E-mails using Outlook 2003

    Here's my problem:
  7. K

    Checking E-mails using Outlook 2003

    Hey everyone, Does anyone check their Usyd email using Microsoft Outlook? I followed the steps as laid out at: But after clicking on "Test Account Settings", the "Send test e-mail message" task fails. Any ideas...
  8. K

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Oh geez i haven't even started. I've read from blackboard discussion that Brogan has already finished it. My goodness.
  9. K

    Desktop Organizer

    kool... i'll try that now
  10. K

    Desktop Organizer

    HI everyone I've been losing a lot of focus on uni work and wasting a lot of time on the internet. Does anyone know any (free) programs that have auto shut-downs and alerts to remind you to do specific tasks etc? Thanks in advance
  11. K

    losing weight?

    Why not post your goals here?
  12. K

    Best/easiest Ways To Make Money!!

    Isn't it difficult to make money by selling stuff at ebay? There is so much competition and people sell things that are at a very low price.
  13. K

    losing weight?

    That was exactly my reaction... WTF ?!?!?!
  14. K

    FINC2012: Corporate Finance

    This subject has made me conclude not to major in Finance. I have fallen asleep too many times during lectures and studying.
  15. K

    losing weight?

    I never said i was a huge fan of protein. In fact, i think my diet is protein deficient. All i was saying is that we should intake protein whether we are gaining or losing weight. You stated ACV as a way of suppressing appetite. I disagreed because it makes people eat less foods and hence less...
  16. K

    Hot Drinks

    oh yea.... right....
  17. K

    Hot Drinks

    I am surprised how no one has said coffee yet....
  18. K

    losing weight?

    Bread is actually very important in our diet in that it is the main source of fibre. Even though it is not digested because it isn't a nutrient it helps to eliminate wastes from our body. Unless you want constipation, you need to eat breads.
  19. K

    losing weight?

    I had a quick research on apple cider vinegar and i think it is disgusting. I hope people are not taking these in their diet. Why would people take these cider vinegar to suppress their appetite when the body needs good nutrition everyday? It is important that people intake protein from...