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  1. R

    How did your Half-Yearly Exams go (Post-exams feelings)

    had english adv on monday- that was good maths on tuesday- i dont really care english ext on Wednesday- KILLER. business today- hopefully did ok i still have legal, modern and religion to go Good luck to all
  2. R

    Business studies- resources

    Hi guys, i was trying to find some info about Qantas in the bored's resource section, however it appears that nearly all of the Qantas links are not working. Does anyone know why??? Thanks~!~
  3. R

    Who's already stressed out?

    yea i know exactly how u feel. my exams start tomorrow. English first one. i just get one day off out of the two whole week timetable. so yea life is crap. ohh and yea really sorri bout your Qantas work, its happened to me before and it aint pretty. GoodLuck 2 every1 and hope we can find a...
  4. R

    Business Studies Half-yearlies Help

    hey i'm also doing Qantas but my teachers really lazy and hasn't even told us what to learn and whats important. im stressing coz u say that ur confused. i dont even know whats important, so i can't do it by myself. i'll try and explain political theory: its basically concerned with power...
  5. R

    How are the 06's finding yr 12 so far??

    Modern History is a pain, since none picked it in my shcool, and I had to do it through Sydney Distance Education High School, sometimes, they don't send me all the stuff, sometimes the stuff is late, , many times they forgot to send work for me, they never answer my email about my work...
  6. R

    who wants to be a lawyer

    How could they be stupid if they managed to score 85 and ova as Uai's.
  7. R

    who wants to be a lawyer

    thanx, if u dont mind me askin wat was the cutoff for ur course
  8. R

    who wants to be a lawyer

    omg, melsc u are doing my dream course. Good luck
  9. R

    is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public schools?

    No way i go to a private school and trust me im not a 'nerd'. i just do enough to keep me afloat. anyways our teachers are not that great. learn 2 study at home. u should be fine. lol all of the bludgers in my form getting over 75 is a laugh. u get what u put in.
  10. R

    New, stressed and about to snap!

    Man oh man am i envious of u. i get so stressed. i had 2 assements today and 1 due Monday. this is all before my half yearlies mind u. anyways good luck 2 all.
  11. R

    Muslim People in Australia

    Exactly!!! i watched it and there's truth in what she said.
  12. R


    You must be the most arrogant person I have meet on Bos. You claim to be more intelligent and superior to us 06’s however by ur post I got the impression that ur a loser and a racist. How dare u call him a wog. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"...
  13. R

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    Don't our taxes go towards gaol keeping etc? I'm not sure I would like to put my money on keeping a serial killer alive in an already over-crowded cell when there is 1 in a million chance that this person can change. No its actually been shown that it costs more when an offender is on death...
  14. R

    Has Australia become a "meaner" country?

    dude are u serious???? get a life and yeah i guess we r meaner.... i know i am
  15. R

    Mr Curly transports wayfaring pilgrims-info help

    hey guys i still dont get how it relates to imaginative journey. any help would be apreciated.
  16. R

    hey, please help...

    Dude, chill out!! you have just started year 11 and u are relating your movies back to HSC supplementary material. trust me enjoy your time while you can! When u reach yr 12 u won't be able to watch a movie, read a book or simply hold a conversation (unconsiously u'll start to make corny jokes...
  17. R

    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles

    i'm doing Lucy in the sky with diamonds as well. when i first chose it i thought no was likely to do it. thanks angrybanans u helped heaps.