Search results

  1. M

    Bio prac test

    How would you improve reliability?
  2. M

    Bio prac test

    What are the types of things you would mention in improving accuracy, reliability and validity for a bio prac test? For things such as microscopes, mod 5 pracs, ,etc
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    Remembering quotes from reading comprehension

    Do you get in trouble if you are caught doing it or if the markers see the indents? Surely nothing right?
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    Remembering quotes from reading comprehension

    How do you remember the right quotes in the reading comprehension 10 minute reading time?
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    Merchant of Venice Related Text

    The end of week 7
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    Merchant of Venice Related Text

    Does anyone think that the film, 'Perfume, The story of a murderer' would be a good related piece for the merchant of venice?
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    Reading Comprehension HSC

    Is 200 words too much for a 4 marker?
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    Reading task

    Reading comprehension
  9. M

    Reading task

    Does anyone have tips for reading tasks?
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    Today's HSC English Exam

    This 13 year battle is nearly over, you all got this
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    Today's HSC English Exam

    Going for that 99.95 ay
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    Today's HSC English Exam

    Is paper 1 the paper where you do the three pieces?
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    Today's HSC English Exam

    How was the exam today guys?
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    Buffer week

    When does buffer week normally start? My exam block begins week 9
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    Depth study and practical test

    Could someone chuck their depth studies and past papers? Is there also potentially a google drive for depth studies and prac tests?
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    Past HSC questions and answers

    Is there any point in getting the books from companies such as excel that give the hsc past papers and answers? Could people just get the papers from websites? Why do these books even exist?
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    Grammarly for advanced english

    Is Grammarly helpful for sentence structure in essays?
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    Year 11 physics into year 12 physics

    Do you ever use your understanding of atwood machines and solving those types of questions from year 11 in year 12?
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    English Advanced themes

    How many themes should you be researching for each module? Do you think upwards of 10 is excessive?
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    HSC english advanced group tutoring

    Are there any group tutoring centers with hsc markers?