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    American Idol

    I love Camile! She has such an amazing voice!!! :D I'm still wondering why she thinks Simon is sexy though, hmmm... I kinda had the feeling Matt would get in, even before I saw his performance. There's just something about him, I dunno what it is. Yup, I definitely agree. I love Dicko. :)...
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    LOL! That almost would've been me, but fortunately my friend got her diary at the short diary line, and came to look for me at the end of the long line with her diary. Don't worry, you're not the only one. I went up to this guy in the line and asked him if it was the diary line when I first...
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    I was studying a B Arts and UWS Bankstown, and I'm transferring to a B Arts at UNSW.
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    UTS? Is that a typo? Or have you mistaken me for someone else? I went to UWS last year, I've now transferred to UNSW. I'll miss all my friends. :(
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    Oooh that forum is cool! I wish I had known about it when I was at UWS. :( I'm joining it anyway! :D
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    HECS Receipt

    I'm not sure about others, but I don't think I have that option. I have credit for advanced standing, and I don't know if myUNSW thinks I'm a first year student, or an upper level student. I have an option called "HECS & Fees", and under it are two other options called "HECS & Fees" and "Student...
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    HECS Receipt

    I couldn't print off the page with my [HECS] details, so I printed off my timetable with hope that they'd accept it. However, the lady who saw me today didn't need it, she just looked at the letter I received from UAC, the one listing the list of preferences, and that was it. I don't know...
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    HECS Receipt

    Thanks for your help guys, I went into Centrelink today, and I think I sorted everything out. Phew! :)
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    HECS Receipt

    Sorry for not making myself clear, I'm not paying HECS upfront. There was a stage in the enrollment process online that required me to enter my tax file number, and a few other stuff. At the end of that stage, a page came up with all my details, including a statement claiming I was a full...
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    HECS Receipt

    I need to print out my receipt to show that I have paid for HECS. Does anyone know how to retrieve this at the UNSW site? I need the receipt to show Centrelink that I'm a full time student. Stupid me didn't print it out when I enrolled. :( I was also wondering, do I have to bring any other...
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    Personality test-Career choices

    Oooh that quiz was soo cool! :D It was mostly accurate. I'm an INFP, an idealist: Introverted (I) 64% Extraverted (E) 36% Intuitive (N) 64% Sensing (S) 36% Feeling (F) 80% Thinking (T) 20% Perceiving (P) 59% Judging (J) 41% I also like my possible career...
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    txt messaging

    Yeah, it's easier too. It gives the other person time to think about whether or not they want to go out with you. Hehehe. :)
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    Rove's Back!

    Ah! I THOUGHT it was John, but I wasn't sure. Well there you go, hehe. I wonder why Rove was such an insult though... hmmm.
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    Rove's Back!

    No no, he has a different first name. It's a really common name.
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    Rove's Back!

    I love Rove too! Hehehe. What's his real name? I read it in a magazine somewhere, but it seems to have slipped my mind. He has a really common name. Rove is his middle name I think. That whole 'Ninga' thing WAS funny! Him imitating the whole Janet Jackson stunt was also funny. :) I...
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    World Idol

    One of my friends said the same thing too. I love Kelly Clarkson, she has such an amazing presence on stage. She is a brilliant performer, and has an AMAZING voice. I'd love to sing and perform like that, and I hardly say that about anyone! I don't love her current stuff, but I don't...
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    They LOST our exam...

    Having an opinion? How is an irrational claim that no one should care for music an opinion? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people's opinions, but that is not an opinion. Also, OoO backing his/her point up with an excessive amount of swearing is also not good. Encore is a show that showcases...
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    They LOST our exam...

    If you don't care about music, why take it as a subject? I'm also finding it difficult to believe that you don't care for it too. And PIE, that would've really shaken me up. I would've been nervous enough without the lost exam papers. Why did they tell you though? Did you guys start an hour...
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    American Idol and Autralian Idol

    Ah, but a good argument is always worth debating over. ;) And narrator, I don't believe ssj_goku is claiming that your argument is fallacious because the facts you provided weren't true, ssj_goku is claiming that your argument is fallacious because the facts you provided, albeit true, do not...
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    kelly clarkson

    They're my fave as well, alongside Anytime. I also loved her rendition of Aretha Franklin's R-E-S-P-E-C-T, I think it's on her Miss Independent single. I think Kelly is absolutely fabulous! I've seen some of her performances on American Idol and she is a fantastic performer! She can perform...