Search results

  1. M

    I got a job.

    congratulations! well done!
  2. M

    getting to penrith campus

    you catch a train to Kingswood then as you get out of the station you walk left until u see a bus stop. and get on aboard the shuttle bus
  3. M

    Progression Letter

    Hi there this is what i got sent to my email Dear Students, Please note that Results will be available via PlatformWeb only. No hard copy result notices will be mailed out, however you are now able to print your own result notice from PWeb, regardless of the session The closing...
  4. M

    When are the marks released?

    16th of december
  5. M

    results via mail?

    Yeah Thats the letter i got as well
  6. M

    what is the food like here

    If its Bankstown the food is seriously revolting and looks gross and expensive
  7. M

    what is the food like here

    if its Bankstown the food here sucks and looks gross
  8. M

    2006 Timetable

    Yes I was in the right page. anyways it turns out that my teacher put it in web ct thats why I couldn't find it.
  9. M

    2006 Timetable

    I am confused first the uni bombards my email saying I can now check my exam timetables on platform web. and then when I go into Platform there is nothing there that is so strange
  10. M

    S-S-S-Summer Session [School] at UWS???

    wow get a load of the fees! don't think i can afford it
  11. M

    B Community Welfare @ Bankstown

    Hi There um well Im not studying B Community Welfare so i dunno anything about the uni degree. however you can actually also do Community Welfare at Ultimo, Granville, Loftus and St George TAFE. it has Cert III and IV and also Diploma. I know this because I have studied this course for two...
  12. M

    Shattered Brogden's suicide bid

    I just think its really sad
  13. M

    only 3 subjects this semester

    Doing 3 subjects is still consider full time. I am doing 3 subjects this semester i also did it for last semester.
  14. M

    UWS Open Day

    UWS open day was on 21st Sunday August 10 am to 3pm who went to it?
  15. M

    Teaching at UWS??

    apprently i was going to do primary teaching this year but changed my mind at the last minute because of the changes that I had to B of Arts/dip teaching or B of teaching. I didn't really want to Arts theres nothing wrong with arts just don't want to do it. So I am doing a Bachelor of Early...
  16. M

    accommodation @ uws

    That sounds neat! Im thinking of moving to accomdation at Bankstown Campus it will cost me $119 per week if i decide to ~ sigh~
  17. M

    Writer's Block

    Have anyone ever had a writer's block? You know where you got plenty to write but nothing comes out of your head?. well thats me now i don't what to do about it?
  18. M

    pweb is sloooow and downnnnn

    I had that problem last semester because i did it at uni but this semester i had no problems because i did it at home my connection was fast with broadband
  19. M

    Lecturers not using lecture notes

    Yeah I had this problem as well where the lectures don't put it in the webct but they often put it up as overhead and i had to write them down it soooo annoying..
  20. M

    Which Subjects are the most expensive in terms of text books??

    It cost me $300 dollars all up last semester and this semester sheesh prices are unbeliveable I mean one thin book cost me 80 dollars.