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  1. M

    Occupational Therapy 09

    yeah- me neither...
  2. M

    Occupational Therapy 09

    yeah- thanks iceman leith, have been looking for something like this...
  3. M

    Uni/Career questions by a School leaver

    come do OT with me!- i got a UAI around 92 too :)
  4. M

    Uni/Career questions by a School leaver

    come do OT with me!- i got a UAI around 92 too :)
  5. M

    Occupational Therapy 09

    me!!!! ..its good to find someone else planning to do OT :) Im quite excited about it..
  6. M

    Which uni will you be going and what course?

    No, they said at Sydney uni live that it will be later than that :( oh well..
  7. M

    Which uni will you be going and what course?

    the cemetry opposite Cumberland is apparenty the largest in the southern hemisphere! cumberland being so isolated did put me off a bit...but I really want to do Occupational Therapy and the only other unis that offer OT in NSW are Newcastle and CSU and I live in Cumberland it is .
  8. M

    Which uni will you be going and what course?

    Occupational Therapy at Sydney Uni !
  9. M

    anyone plan their stationery list for next year?

    5 subject notebook/s Binders/folders? post it notes pencil case pens 2009 diary/planner
  10. M

    What 2009 movie are you most excited for

    My Sister's Keeper and The Lovely Bones:)
  11. M

    Bachelor of Socio-Legal Studies

    Could someone also clarify the job prospects for this degree too? Am deciding whether or not to keep this course as a preference atm
  12. M

    speech path or nursing?

    yeah I'm also more interested in speech path because of my obsession with languages !:) but if I don't get the mark required for Speech,hopefully I get OT! As for the health sciences campus moving, they told us at sydney uni open day that this most likely won't affect us -in other words it...
  13. M

    speech path or nursing?

    Well, I'm hoping to do Speech Pathology in 2009. When I went to the Sydney uni open day in August they told us that there is currently quite a high demand for Speech Pathologists in Australia. From what I can see from looking at the course structure of Speech path; there are quite a few...
  14. M

    Who's effing bored of studying?

    Was getting sooo bored of French towards the end- but as of 5pm today it's over and I'm done!!!
  15. M

    Anyone else put on a few kgs 'because' of the HSC?

    I've lost 2-3 kg ,which is strange because I never lose weight....
  16. M

    What will your UAC preferences be??

    1.Speech Pathology at USYD 2.Occupational Therapy at USYD Then I have Primary Education at USYD,UTS and MQ , Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy at Newcastle and then Social Science at MQ and Socio-Legal Studies at USYD.
  17. M

    The "I have no motivation for French" thread

    well its 4 days away and yeah..not alot of motivation going on here, especially isnce its my last exam :) ...hopefully will improve within the next hour so I can still get some work done today and tonight.
  18. M

    General Exam thoughts

    Did Saturday/Sunday worship (Christianity) for my extended response and Islam for short answers...was disappointed that Hajj didnt come up in short answers and that the extended response wasnt bioethics! Felt prepared enough though :) As usual not sure about a few multiple choice but thats...
  19. M

    So who else thinks we got slid a 2 unit paper?

    yeah am kinda disappointed General Maths had to end this way..loved multiple choice but as for the rest....some were horrible