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  1. M

    University of Sydney - Bachelor of Health Science

    Really- is this a definite fact or a rumour?
  2. M

    Syllabus or Text book?

    I haven't done the school certificate but my history teacher reccomended that for the school certificate and yearly exam, we follow the syllabus guideline in the front of our textbook. I Studied more than what they said in this,because as said previously ,the extra stuff in the text book does...
  3. M

    Subject requirements- speech pathology

    Thanks salsydney and skeeta, I think I'll stick with what I've chosen , I can always change in the first few weeks of year 11 :)
  4. M

    Subject requirements- speech pathology

    Hey, I'm in year 10 and am considering doing speech pathology at Uni. I was not sure about my ability in chemistry,so I didn't choose it for Year 11. Instead I chose Biology because I have some interest in it and thought I would do better in it than Chemistry. The only problem is, that Biology...
  5. M

    Year 10 students - What subject will you be happy to finish!

    GEOGRAPHY! (lol looks like I'm not the only one!) although I've found geography this year better than Year 7,8 and 9 Geography. Also PDHPE.
  6. M

    Questions about studying speech pathology at USyd

    Hey I'm in year 10 aswell and want to do speech pathology, but i'm not planning to do chemistry (I want to do bio instead) but was a little unsure about whether I was taking too much of a "risk" by doing this,so thanks for asking that question slowjam10 and thnx to the ppl who replied- am...
  7. M

    Work experience

    Local hopsital and associated health centres- speech pathology department :)
  8. M

    Subject choices for next year

    Thanks Maddy_d - i'm having the same sort of problem,and am feeling a bit confused - I'll consider your suggestion
  9. M

    Subject choices for next year

    Thanks Maddy_d - am feeling a little confused about what subjects to coohse in realtion to this, thanks for your suggestion :)
  10. M

    Subject choices for next year

    At the moment: SOR1 General Maths Adv English French Continuers Modern History Biology Legal studies or Ext 1 English (yet to decide) Backups (in case lines don't work,etc.) : IPT, German or Japanese Beginners or Chemistry Career wise I would like to do Speech Pathology at the moment but...