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  1. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    lol that's a good idea, I did that as well.
  2. williamdaft

    Are Excel hsc books good to study?

    Yeah true, I highlighted mine and read it a bit, I preferred Tim Riley's, Dixon's and Sir's handouts more. :haha: :haha: :haha:
  3. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    haha that's awesome, keep with that dream! I also have a dream that is not related to school at all, but I don't want to disclose that on this forum. Even if you don't become a famous artist/band one day, making music and playing will make you a happier person :) If you have no idea what you...
  4. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    ^ stop procrastinating guys and girls! Visualise your goals of you walking in your dream uni and ATAR you need and believe in it!!!! Stay focused and get your motivation up by forcing yourself to start studying and you feel good for the hours you've put in it. I know it's really hard. The start...
  5. williamdaft

    UNSW O-Week Tickets? Arc?

    I just watched this video: Do we need to buy tickets for the events held at night: the movie, gig, comedy or Thursday's party? I'm confused because from the UNSW 2014 "Getting Started" booklet I got from the mail a few weeks ago, I can't find anywhere that we need to get tickets. Also, for...
  6. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    mate don't give up that easily
  7. williamdaft

    UNSW ID cards (2014 students)

    Same lol... I didn't smile for my license photo and doesn't look as mug-shotted as my UNSW ID photo where I did smile.
  8. williamdaft

    UNSW ID cards (2014 students)

    Yep this should be your concession within your student card. It's the coloured circle that includes the year which you will change every year obviously for the sake of concession travel.
  9. williamdaft

    Is English the hardest language to learn?

    Chinese is hardest imo
  10. williamdaft

    UNSW 2014 Rollcall

  11. williamdaft

    Should I try out for Ruse?

    I agree with everyone, definitely try! We all wish you the best :)
  12. williamdaft

    Out of these three subjects, which is the most difficult?

    1. Economics by a mile... 2. Modern History 3. Legal Studies (much simpler concepts like business studies.. I regret choosing Eco over Legal)
  13. williamdaft

    Driving Manual cars

    I drive automatic, on my rep Ps now.. close to greens. Too lazy to learn manual.. Here's some pros and cons of manual:
  14. williamdaft

    ARC @ unsw

    Thanks! :) Edit: Applied for SA-Help now! ...
  15. williamdaft

    Your Opinion On "Back Up" Units

    English has to count, sadly. I got an ATAR equivalence of around 80 for advanced. :( Fortunately, my other subj were high 90s.
  16. williamdaft

    ARC @ unsw

    I only applied for the HECS scheme, so I would pay upfront for SSAF. When do you pay SSAF? like is it per semester or yearly? It's around $281.. and it increases right? Dunno if I should apply for SA Help or not..
  17. williamdaft

    Who is the best internet provider?

    TPG... not that fast.. but unlimited at cheap price, good enough.
  18. williamdaft

    ARC @ unsw

    Ok thx
  19. williamdaft

    Never been in a relationship?

    I agree lol