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  1. williamdaft

    Your Opinion On "Back Up" Units

    had a successful gamble on 2 units in Yr 11 and 8 units in Yr 12.. free periods were amazing :)
  2. williamdaft

    Cadetships 2013 thread

  3. williamdaft

    Which to choose?

    Deffs UOW mate. Also, 45 minutes is nothing.. I have to travel 1.5~2 hrs for UNSW. And distance is worth it when it comes to reputation, campus, social life etc. :)
  4. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Understood, cheers!
  5. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Wow that's amazing!! Love it when people are high achievers in school and sports!
  6. williamdaft

    What have you eaten today?

    wow delicious!
  7. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    :) Good work!!
  8. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Here's my fee statement. Liability status: HECS HELP Eligible. Interesting how some of my courses are band 1/2/3.. thought commerce had all band 3s.. oh thank god. Why is there a 10% discount from $4,351.00 to $3,915.90 ? Is that if I pay all of it before the census date, then I only have to...
  9. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Yeah, they're available now!
  10. williamdaft

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    wow, good job for being dedicated to wake up so early for school work! I remember doing something like that once. But it seems the only legit reason for waking up so early is probs you procrastinated a few days before in certain subjects lol... I hope to get 8 hours sleep each day and finish all...
  11. williamdaft

    Is an ATAR of 80+ considered good?

    An ATAR of whatever is good as long as you put your maximum effort into it and you get into the course you want!
  12. williamdaft

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    yeh according to fb, he's doing eco in usyd... but screw that, he can just be a successful comedian!
  13. williamdaft

    How tall are you?

    lol i need that!
  14. williamdaft

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    need to meet this guy... only shanghais do macro bro, all the hongkies do micro.. OII TASTE A LEMON
  15. williamdaft

    The Asian Music Thread

  16. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    lol same :P I'm pretty sure it came out today.
  17. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Okay! yeah, my status atm is "HECS-HELP Eligible" so I think it should be good.. That image is exactly what mine looks like.
  18. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    mm.. I think 2 weeks prior to our course. When I clicked on the student profile, it came up with this new thing - 'Your current liability is $3,915.90' Anyone know what I do now? Do I wait, and defer it to my HECS later?
  19. williamdaft

    Questions on myUNSW

    Yeah I just realised my ID only contains the 7 numbers. Well your ID is z1234567 to sign on myUNSW.. I still think when they ask for your 'student ID number' it's z1234567 even though z isn't a number... I don't see what the fuss is coz everyone has a z before their 7 numbers so it doesn't...