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  1. C

    Proportion of Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

    ironically, the exiles & genocides of jews throughout history have turned them into a true master race hooray for natural selection :D
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    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    in 3 years i've seen so many people say "we did this in hsc xxx" in the first 2 weeks of uni, think they'll breeze thru it, and end up struggling to pass from talking to some people you'd think they just gave you a hsc exam paper on the first day of uni and said "this is the course, go for it...
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    universities artificialy inflating UAI cutoffs

    i wonder if there's a mathematical way of optimising the UAI cutoff to imply maximum prestige without discouraging anyone from applying coz it's too high :D
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    universities artificialy inflating UAI cutoffs

    yeah sometimes it's dead obvious some unis have a whole lot of courses at 85.00 or 90.00 etc.
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    Are you only doing physics to get into engineering?

    more like "we can't tell u why coz we don't rly know - only the quantum physicists do" :cool:
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    Unconventional Jobs/Ways you make money without being formally employed

    so like there's this thing called the dole right,
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    Rules for Customers

    lol! sif deliberately piss them off :eek:
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    Rules for Customers

    haha the express registers here are... i'll draw a pic, i haven't seen them like this at another big w and once i was on 1 or 2 or 3, and there was only i think 1 person, maybe 2, on 4 or 5 or 6, and there was a big line i finished, and they put the moveable divider thingy in front of 1,2,3...
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    Are you only doing physics to get into engineering?

    more like maths is like masturbation physics is like sex :cool:
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    Are you only doing physics to get into engineering?

    Are you only doing physics to get into engineering? lol, what? HSC English will do more for u in engineering than physics will :D
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    unis teach skills over knowledge.

    you're kidding uni subjects have tons of content and the better you memorise it, the better mark you'll get
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    student teachers at the most inappropriate times

    "Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!" :(
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    London Mayor was Rude, Arrogant says China

    white devils not want china to develop
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    London Mayor was Rude, Arrogant says China

    how ironic then that they discouraged people from customs like spitting everywhere and eating dog during the olympics ohh china :rolleyes:
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    Is Religion the main cause of Poverty or is money?

    body thetans are the cause of poverty, imo
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    B.Com reputation abroad?

    accounting could (and should) be taught at TAFE
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    Families face losing their welfare if their children skip school

    If they don't have kids in the first place that's the best possible result. Unfortunately the types we're talking about don't have any concept of "family planning" and start pumping them out from ~20 onwards
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    Families face losing their welfare if their children skip school

    they already do try to get the unemployed ppl training so they can work that's why I've heard things like "centrelink will cut me dole if i miss another tafe class" :D
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    Beijing Olympics 2008 Discussion Thread

    ur hero disagrees ... THE former prime minister Paul Keating has attacked the Western media's coverage of the Beijing Olympics as condescending, elitist and typical of the developed world's general disdain for China. Most of the coverage was seen through the prism of Tibet, Mr Keating...
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    $17 million/gold medal. 'Good Value': Nelson.

    from a random article about making sheep shearing an olympic sport :D Meanwhile, the Australian authorities are considering more straightforward ways to address their lack of Olympic success. Mike Tancred, director of media for the Australian Olympic Committee, attributed the team's...