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  1. P

    Is anyone going to miss english?

    I hate English so much.Seriously, if I didn't get the mark I wanted in the HSC, there is still no way I would re-do yr12, just because of English... Let me try picking up trash as a profession first, it can't be as bad.
  2. P

    If you hate English, you must post here in celebration

    OMG ME TOO!!!After years of pain and suffering (began in yr8 with my first ever essay), it is finally, and definitively over, forever!!!!!!!!omg... I think i jizzed in my pants... and since I wont have to describe its impact on society, I feel fucken awesome for doing so!!
  3. P

    Underlining texts

    Give them credit when they give me fails? Fuck that.
  4. P

    Watcha think of my creative?

    Wait wtf... you're 14 and doing the hsc?
  5. P

    Andy braz when HSCs over, we iz hittin up the weed again yer!

    Andy braz when HSCs over, we iz hittin up the weed again yer!
  6. P

    removal of time limits on exams

    Not sure. This is quite a touchy topic. I do know however that when our class had a "time limitless" exam in chemistry (that was theoretically set at 2hrs), people still finished within 1.5-3hrs and it took so much stress off all our backs. We were also given a copy of the marking guidelines, so...
  7. P

    removal of time limits on exams

    Not sure. This is quite a touchy topic. I do know however that when our class had a "time limitless" exam in chemistry (that was theoretically set at 2hrs), people still finished within 1.5-3hrs and it took so much stress off all our backs. When we got our results back, it was obviously a very...
  8. P

    section 2 question

    LOL I was thinking the same thing. I suspected automatic to be a troll by the 2nd page (yeah, took long enough) and there are heaps of multi accounts by the same automatic to support his completely stupid idea that... made me laugh hehehe
  9. P

    What will you do with your school stuff?

    This actually got me thinking. I've compiled all my note books over these past 2 years, and damn the sheer height of the stack just amazes me. Even better yet, 80% of it is maths and English takes the cake at 0.9% with 56 pages filled out of a 120 page book in the stack of 52 books. And then...
  10. P

    Band 6 subjects

    band 6 hapen in math 3u and 4u for defenitly shure. Judging by my first line, all the rest is going down the shitter.
  11. P

    this looks like a smart year

    it would explain why the math forum is so much slower.
  12. P

    this looks like a smart year

    You've been exposed to probably less than 10% of the entire year, and half of these would be some of the smartest there are. So yes, BOS' student base does make it seem like a smart year.
  13. P

    please tell me im not fucked

    I was looking at this in awe. Like wtf are you serious? Theres no way in hell I can see them just failing a student because they accidentally used pencil rather than pen. To repeat means to possibly waste a year of one's life. That would be so unethical and absurd just because the markers don't...
  14. P

    Final Few days

    Thats the spirit! ...I think But just as a pointer, you'll save time AND get more marks if you just get a few basic ideas down for your body and try expand on them in the exam. Seriously, don't bother with the memorizing.
  15. P

    Final Few days

    Dare I say it, I don't think these people were pulling all nighters... I'm using these last few days to help myself realize how screwed I am in english.
  16. P


    Well in my particular case, I'm happily ready to finish the HSC asap just so I don't have to hear "omg come study with me I have a Ruse paper" from my maths friends for the 50 billionth time this year... When I buy the excel books and these people start laughing at me, because guess what, they...
  17. P


    They were a wreck after the exam because of... no lights tripping them out? Well, I guess they are Ruse'ers and they can do the exams in their sleep... but amusing phenomena is hard to come by when you're staring blankly at black text in a white-sleeved book all day every day. Heck, even colour...
  18. P


    I'd be too intrigued by the power outage to do the exam in the meantime, and I could so use another 15 mins..
  19. P

    Help with quadratic identities.

    There are various methods to do this, but starting off you should learn to equate co-efficients. It goes something like this: If, ax^2+bx+c=Ax^2+Bx+C then a=A, b=B, c=C So what you need to do is expand the RHS of the equation, collect all co-efficients for each variable, x^2, x and the...
  20. P

    Official dust storm thread

    Re: Holy mother of dust storms It scared the crap out of me.... Haha no actually, I thought it was really cool! As I tumbled over to change positions in my sleep this morning at 6am, I took a short glance at what seemed like my closed blinds were separating me from some deep orange apocalyptic...