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  1. P

    Saying goodbye to teachers

    A handshake for the men. A firm pat on the rear for the women. At least this way they won't forget you the day after.
  2. P

    Atar estimate (not another one...)

    Ok thanks for the input. Yep and not to mention about 40 of our most special students are in standard so, I'm basically ranked in the lower half of students with half a brain. If all goes down the shitter and english never picks up, I guess I'll have to settle for the same course but in...
  3. P

    Atar estimate (not another one...)

    I knew I'd have a problem with english ever since that first essay I flunked back in year 7. Thanks for the motivation though. It sounds as though my atar is solely riding on my english marks. If I were to jump a lot in English (say, top 5) would my atar jump exceptionally with it? I can't...
  4. P

    Atar estimate (not another one...)

    This entire sub-forum is flooded with atar estimate threads hehe. I know my english is terrible, it always has been. I just can't cut it when it comes to essays. Right now my average is about 60% in all exams I've done so far, and whether I try or not, it still seems to hover around that each...
  5. P

    Atar estimate (not another one...)

    I'm seriously worried I won't be getting anywhere near what I need for an atar. 95 would be amazing as it assures my entry in the university course for pure maths, but 90+ is my goal as I'm trying to be a little more realistic and hopefully can sweet-talk my way into the course. Anyway, my...
  6. P

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: How did people go in the maths comp today? I had no idea what it was either, and it looked pretty daunting at first sight, but take a look at the examples, f_1(x) is a fraction with the variable x in both the numerator and denominator. f_2(x), after simplifying is still a fraction with the...
  7. P

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: How did people go in the maths comp today? I decided the answer was two solutions. I'm fairly confident with that one, unlike most of the others after Q10. The parallelogram fitting snugly around the 6 circles intrigued me (my way of covering up that it pissed me off really badly). I...
  8. P

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition This was the first time I ever competed and oh boy... it was the hardest test I ever took... by far! Are these tests usually consistent in difficulty each year? What kinds of raw marks get HD's, D's and credits? I did the senior exam btw.
  9. P

    Decimal to Fractions?? Calculator issue.

    So you're saying she was able to express sin(40) in a closed form? As if... :p
  10. P

    Very confusing Parabola question?!?!?

    ok so you have the two equations: y=Bx^2 and y=20x+20 Take the derivative of each for their gradients: \frac{dy}{dx}=2Bx and \frac{dy}[dx}=20 Since the line is a tangent to the parabola at some point, their gradients are equal, thus 2Bx=20 ... B=\frac{10}{x} Now just substitute this...
  11. P

    Air Resistance

    Maybe it's just me, but even though shady's terminology wasn't quite correct, it's pretty easy to follow what he actually meant. Uncle, sure, use formulas to back up your statement; but when you can't even apply (and probably misunderstand) the ins and outs of the formula yourself, well...
  12. P

    Complex number problems*

    For Q2 I tried to solve it this way: let z=x+iy and w=a+ib Then a+ib=\frac{x+iy+2}{x+iy} After simplifying, RHS=2x+1-i2y Equating real and imaginary parts: a=2x+1 and b=-2y Can I go any further with this or was my entire setup just retarted?
  13. P

    am i the only person who does me2 who does not do any of the sciences?

    lol do you get bored much? It's mixed up more than enough once I step into the English block :D