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  1. ashwin

    BA Media and Communications

    Hey! Who out there is doin this subject? Im doin it! Perhaps whoever is doin it, we can meet up at o-week.
  2. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    wrong! u dont need to look at critics' works to find quotes in heaney. Look in the poems themseleves. All the quotes r there. For example, in requiem for the croppies it says "shaking scythes at canon". Thats only one example, but there r lotsa others. Not all of them will be as obvious as my...
  3. ashwin

    BSc Media and Communications

    damn. what about sydney? anyone doin it at usyd?
  4. ashwin

    BSc Media and Communications

  5. ashwin

    BSc Media and Communications

    Anyone doin this coursE?
  6. ashwin

    Orientation week

    Do we goto everyday of O-Week? Or r all the days the same thing?
  7. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    Ugh. Ashwini is a girls name. Ashwin is a guys name! Anyway, now that thats all settled, back to enx
  8. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    What did u learn? What texts u doin btw?
  9. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    grrrrr :mad1: :mad: :chainsaw: :angry: :vcross: :mad:
  10. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    dUDE! I aint a girl! Im a dude, dude! Guardian, dont offened chuddy, she may not like it ;) LOL We aint chix bro! We're bros bro!
  11. ashwin

    Band 6 ppl's notes

    Ill sell all my notes for about $20 (theres about 20 pages per topic!!)
  12. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    lol, i was just kidding bro. im not setting up some rivial marking thingo, lol.
  13. ashwin

    Band 6 ppl's notes

    ill sell u my notes. i got into band 6. my mark was 94
  14. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    To create competition, im the more knowledgeable marker obviously. :P
  15. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    Yeh most skools dont cover it i think, but some do, which is the scary thing. So i suggest when u get closer to the hsc, to have a look at some of the philosophers' works, and get some handy quotes u can throw into ur essays and creatives (if ur skool isnt teaching u bout philosophers, only use...
  16. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    Our teacher was teaching it for the first time too. Well if u enjoy reading the book, then by all means read it again and again (i read The shipping news 3 times all up)
  17. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    Dont worry bout critics at the moment, concentrate on ur texts first, otherwise u may go off the track a bit. yeh fukuyama and featherstone r some good ones to use. If ur gona search for critics, find a range of them which deal with economics, philosophy, science, and religion. if u get one for...
  18. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    Oh yeh, and dont memorise essays. Markers look for the skill where a student can adapt his/her knowledge to the essay question, and notthe skill that a student can adapt a prepared essay to the question
  19. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    I DO tutor ext eng if ur interetsed guardian. But like chudy said, dont stress too much yet. The key to RFTG is to understand the phenomenon of globalisation and the concept of 'retreating' from it. At the start of the yr, i was at the same position ur in now, in fact, our whole class was. I...
  20. ashwin

    Where are all the Retreat from the Global people?!

    Yeh u also helped a bit, but not much, hehe. Nah u helped ur share too. See, for all those reading this thread and who r doin RFTG, or any ext eng for that matter, it is important that u and ur friends help each other as much as possible. This is the ONLY way to get good marks.