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  1. E

    am i disrespectful?

    whatever hey. i bet you've never been in the same position as me before, or at least dont have emotion.
  2. E

    am i disrespectful?

    i suppose so.. its not a matter of me bullshitting really, its more so that now thinking about not going i'm feeling selfish and stupid. [hence writing this].
  3. E

    am i disrespectful?

    thanks for replying guys. when i say i feel disrespectful for actually going is that i feel bad because i'd feel sort of like an 'attachment' because i personaly didnt know him. and all around me would have been people who knew this man in one way or another. i've spoken with both of the...
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    am i disrespectful?

    okay this topic proably shouldnt be here but im in a hurry and need advice asap! well, i work with these two girls [who are sisters] one who goes to my school and is 15 the other is 21. anyway, i wouldnt say im heaps close to them, although they are good friends at work. anyway, last friday...
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    muck up day

    as i said "a few people are planning too" which doesnt exactly mean me. i admire their courage to do so :|
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    muck up day

    people at my school are thinking putting laxatives in drink bottles and then glad wrapping the toilet bowl so there is no hole to go to the toilet in. but because its glad wrapped, and people have laxatives in them, they wont notice and will think everythings fine ....until they actually do...
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    applying for graphics - question

    hey, applying for graphic design at enmore tafe and the application says : "needs to be all your own work". so im wondering, does anyone know whether downloaded font would not be acceptable?
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    Yet another UAI estimation thread.

    sorry skaguan :s well im keen on graphic design and applying for both tafe and cofa in kensington. and hey; if that doesnt come through then theres art teaching at strathfeild. i love my art :) haha
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    Yet another UAI estimation thread.

    hey :) i'd help you out but i have no idea how to calculate all of that; which is why im going to ask you guys what you think i may get: english standad - 1st/160 drama - 10/20 ancient history - 7/17 society and culture - 3/20 gen maths - [i suck haha] 42/80 visual arts - 3/40 thanks :)
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    Question about band 6's and UAI

    is it possible to get a band six in standard english? because for all the assesments added up, i ended up first in the grade out of about 150. [which was 90 something percent all up - last time i checked it was 97] or do people in standard drag you down to much?
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    Are you meant to write a Statment for your major artwork?

    hey well funny you mention that because ive just finished mine. nah they dont look at it, but its always usefull to glue it to your logbook just incase they dont completley understand your ideas/concept. we have an art show at school coming up on monday and so ive just finished my statement for...
  12. E

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    hahahahaha jimmy hahahahahahahaha thats classic
  13. E

    my IP was due today

    oh okay, sorry for my ignorance.
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    my IP was due today

    yay i handed it in, and i'm really happy with it, it looked heaps professional compared to my preliminary presentation! I did the ham funeral, it was heaps indepth but in the end it was a really good play to design on :) when is everyone elses due?
  15. E

    help me with this assessment PLEASE

    sorry to say but your all wrong. i did this essay earlier last year and it was an inclass essay too and scored 25/25. in a question like this, its better to pick three artists of the same society. mexican society during the revolution is always good. i did diego rivera, freida kahlo and jose...
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    brecht - contempory society

    hey :) thanks heaps for that i really do appreciate :D i've written a paragraph on alienation to do with mother courage. i'm unsure if its right or not [i suck at drama essays, and rullllee at english ones :P] Brecht didn’t want audiences to react emotionally to his characters, because...
  17. E

    brecht - contempory society

    "how are these large and complex ideas relavent to a contempory society" does any one know anything relating to this question? :) would be MUCH appreciated, we have trials on monday,my costume design is also due on monday, art trials are also monday, ancient history trial is weds and final...
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    we love sounds 07

    yay this day was the best ever! for ajax i was RIGHT up the front and i mean RIGHT up there. no one else was infront of me. i was one of those people who were ACTUALLY DANCING pretty much on the dj table! arhghrgrhgrh and got the BESTBEST video of la musique.. oh my goshhh. best day ive had in...
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    Drama group performances

    Re: Annoyed thanks for your words of advice and its actually made me feel alot better <3 x
  20. E

    Graphic Design

    hey :) im also in year 12 atm and am really intrested in graphic design for somewhere in sydney for next year :D i went to an open day at billy blue on the weekend and mannnn its THAT modern and sooo amazing, you'd have to see it to believe it. although my dad wants me to go to UTS as at the...