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  1. E

    Drama group performances

    Annoyed GRR! today one of the girls in my GP told me to stop being bossy and taking control. WELL EFF! she has the WORST ideas, usually containing things which are too hard/stupid to grasp. a) seizures b) smoking up on stage and asking "wheres the stuff" c) dancing around a tree like hippies...
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    Drama group performances

    we have a group of four people. likeee.. our class has about 20 people in it. and there is one group of three, which are ALL THE BEST preformers in the class, which i think is really unfair , as about two of the groups have been really hard done by, [willingness to work / preformace skills by...
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    we love sounds 07

    soo excited :D me and like 10-15 friends are going upppp. going to be the BEST day ever :D
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    Motivation tips for ENGLISH

    guys! your forgetting the fun way of studying. and YES there IS a fun way of studying! make main points in your essay and then cut them out seperatley on peices of paper with each theme on them. put them into a hat and draw them out. and you play charades! trust me it seriously works...
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    The Pokémon Center

    pokemon is king. i lovee it. have so many cards/holographics :D:D biggest pokemon nerd here. i know the poke rapp! ahah
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    Winter Fashion 2007!

    :headbang: nah i dont do drugs. just wanted to see what you would say. although general pants is good. a troll? if your going to be like that at least think of some decent put downs ha
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    Winter Fashion 2007!

    general pants is good. drugs are fun.
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    year 12 half yearly

    please help me :) our teacher hasnt explained much of augustus, yet our half yearly has to be a 45 minute written essay on: "explain how Augustus's reforms created peace and prosperity in Rome". ok so the teacher has said talk about -military reforms -building programme reforms -senate...
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    Be a Pharmacist!

    ive worked at a pharmacy for 3 years inbetween school. its long hours. no breaks. all you do is sit down behind a dispensary and put ointments in bags and hand them to sick people. i used to want to be a pharmacist. until i worked at one. lol =] as mentioned before, try dentistry. its probably...
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    Winter Fashion 2007!

    as i said before, you have your opinion, i have mine. and you dont have to be so mean about it. you dont see me shooting insults at you, and searching for where you live etc. So what i live in the country, it doesnt make me any more or less of a human being. so what you have opposite views to...
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    Winter Fashion 2007!

    ha whatevs hey. i have my opinion, you have yours. and also, i may live in the country, but that certainly doesnt count me as a bogan.
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    Winter Fashion 2007!

    ohh man im loving this winter fashion the whole electro/fluro/oversized look does it for me! vintage leotards with black skinny leg jeans, a small belt, boots and heyyy presto! also, massive oversized shirts with the sleeves rolled up, sunnies, headbands that cover your forehard, massive...
  13. E

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    I GOT MY P'S YESTERDAY :d:d:d:d:d:d:d
  14. E

    2006 hsc paper aussie drama

    ok so ive written an introduction . The ideas in Australian plays are dull in nature. The two plays, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll and Chapel Perilous are rich in Australian traditional heritage and could both be seen as having dull over all ideas of addressing their audience; although it can...
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    2006 hsc paper aussie drama

    hey :) im studying summer of the 17th doll and chapel periolous. i understand the doll perfectally fine but not so much chapel. but ANYWAY.. this is the 2006 hsc question "the ideas in australian plays are dull. it is the images that brings them to life". what on earth are the 'images' in...
  16. E

    are you screwed for ancient or what?

    yeah we have half yearlys next week. although we seem to be studying easier subjects than all of you! in our half yearlys we are doing hatchepsut ramesside period and studying augustus & his reforms. although its hard to memorize everything with quotes and all :S
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    the ham funeral

    hey, is anyone else doing the costume design of 'the ham funeral'. im really intrested to hear about everybodys progress as im the only one at my school that is doing it and havent seen anyone elses work! what characters are you all doing? im doing young man, mrs lusty and the girl. what are you...
  18. E

    Whats the opinion on playing with era in costume design?

    im doing the ham funeral. and so far have 3 designs almost completley finished. i set the costuming in the 1920s as its too much of an expressionst play to do eitherwise.