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  1. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    anyone else feel like because they live a fair bit away from uni that it hinders making friends? I'm like an hour away roughly so can't just pop over to a friends cause they normally live a long way away.
  2. Zoinked

    An idea to decrease the number of bots

    Before I knew about how many there were, I used to get baited into their threads all the time and it was hilariously annoying
  3. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    If you are more interested with policy, I would suggest enrolling in econ110 over 111. Econ111 is microeconomics and is thus concerned with small scale things like individual firm actions or a market for just one product. Econ110 is about the whole economy and is about interest rates...
  4. Zoinked

    Swimming carnival

    You will probably regret skipping it when you reminisce about high school
  5. Zoinked

    Credit transfer from Mq to USyd comm/law

    what do you have to lose in trying?
  6. Zoinked

    Financial Maths for ct1

    this all looks cancerous, do we ever have to do stuff like this in applied finance or is this just actuarial work?
  7. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    goto the tute and watch the lecture at home.
  8. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    no dude it has every ubar party on it, when session starts/finishs, what week you are in, when exams start/finish and it shows u 6 months at a time so its better than a calendar
  9. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I went and it was very helpful. My no1 recommendation: find the "redfrogs" stand where they give out these amazing mq uni tailored uni planners (like a big calendar sort of thing). It was so helpful in planning assessments etc and I'm very tempted to go in to o-week and grab one then go home.
  10. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    stat is super ez dude, just do it and get it over with. You cant do afin250 or acst201 without it, so youre shooting yourself in the foot if you dont do it asap.
  11. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    im doing econ110, accg200, acst201, afin250 and mktg101 first sem
  12. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread Idk what you mean bro? You have 21 credit points of electives so you are totally fine to do an extra maths unit for "fun", or whatever your reasoning is. In fact...
  13. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I feel like I already asked you this and you said early sem 1?
  14. Zoinked


    It's not a prerequisite, there is just assumed knowledge, which is a bit of a trap I reckon. I walked into finance 1b without having done stat yet and it did make the group assignment harder bc of the regression stuff.
  15. Zoinked


    ACCG100 and ACST101 are a must! I would do STAT150 first semester as well, because in your 2nd semester, there is assumed stats knowledge in finance 1b. ECON110 or ECON111 are good choices for your 4th unit. I would delay MKTG101 and your people/planet units as they can be done any time and...
  16. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    lol its just the sem1 2017 ilearn, meaning we can snag all the tutorial solutions for next semester lol, assuming the hw doesnt change.
  17. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    omg is it, awesome
  18. Zoinked

    MQ Official Exam Results/Waiting discussion thread S2 2017

    Stat150- 85 Econ111- 86 Afin102- 78 Accg101- 73
  19. Zoinked

    MQ Official Exam Results/Waiting discussion thread S2 2017

    hopefully 2 HD's and 2 D's
  20. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Any idea when we can enroll in classes for sem 2?