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  1. L

    another quick question

    yeh i no that i was only talking about for alternative family arrangments cos i have already done the dissolution of marriage and stuff.. im doing a past esaay you see..
  2. L

    another quick question

    oh yeh, and if u are talking about remedies for alt. family arrangements, would u talk about defacto legislation and same sex couple legilsation and stuff??
  3. L


    is the child support scheme effective? you know for aying matienance and everything.. i no what it is for but i just dont no if it effective or not PLZ PLZ help. also, what is achieving justice for society and the individual all about???
  4. L

    See Below for First Post

    oh ok sorry! i only just joined and i dont no my way around ver well
  5. L

    See Below for First Post

    drunk last time im drinking tonight, until HSC is over, thats like 6 weeks!
  6. L


    thanx for the advice :)
  7. L


    boyfriends.. what do you do if you love your boyfriend so much and you miss him every second your not with him but you need to study. Sometimes i can't concentrate on studying because im thinking about him, i wish, for the next 5 weeks or so i could just erase my memory of him, but we all no...
  8. L

    freaking out

    i think it was on last years HSC, the question about Epidemiology and their was a diagram with Nanaville and Gull island and stuff and it asked you to do an epidemiological study.. i have attempted the question many times but know i am not doing all that the question requires. can someone plz...
  9. L

    2003 Hsc Exam

    i have a couple of questions. 1) Explain why older people experience different levels of health to other populations groups in australia: its worth 6 marks, i wrote about how they have different levels of health because of their ageing bodies and how the prevalence of disease in old ppl is...
  10. L

    stupid mistakes

    how do you prevent yourself from making silly mistakes, and i know you will probably all say just do heaps of past papers, but i do, and i still make silly mistaKES, for example, i was doing a multiple choice and i got one wrong because i didnt cube the answer, i squared it. Im getting in the...
  11. L


    what sort of question are they likely to ask you? i have a seen a couple where you have to talk about how cloudstreet is timeless or whatever, but im having trouble structing an essay based on that. i know my content quite well but i dont know exactly what you write about when u get a question...
  12. L

    action potential?

    thanx thankyou so much. you really help me and im not confused anymore. :)
  13. L

    action potential?

    ok here's the thing. i have two lots of information in front of me that seem to contradict. i have information saying that the side of the membrane exposed to the cytoplasm is negative, indicating that potassium ions exist on the outside of the naurone at its resting potentail and that the...