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  1. L

    human rights crisis!

    can someone plz answer this question for me.. im having alot of trouble 2001 hsc- OUTLINE HOW DOMESTIC LAW HAS RESPONDED TO ONE SPECIFIC INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE i know about a couple of international hr issues but i dont know hoe Australia has responded to them?? thanx guys
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    Help needed on ottawa charter

    could someone plz help me with this question becoz it threw me off completely.. 2004 hsc. Q21.b)explain how the application of the ottawa charter addresses social justice priniciples in relation to CVD in Australia. any help would be greatly appreciated!! :) :)
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    PDHPE help!

    does anyone have any actual answers to past HSc papers and stuff. I dont mean the marking guidelines, i mean like answers that ppl have given, that may have got band 6 or something. i guess im talking about sort of those standard package things, soc i really need help with pe. every question i...
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    need to study!

    anyone no where to find specimen papers and stuff apart from the past HSC papers?? i really need to study and do more papers. it would b good if they had the multiple choice answers as well... thanky
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    Worst case scenarios

    my plan is to pretend to faint in the middle of the exam if i have a stomach ach/head ache/ having a mental blank etc.....
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    Which exam are you most looking forward to?

    Adv English.. I can't write all that fast and am afraid ill run out of time or answer the essay ordinarily becoz i had to rush. anyone else think its highly unfair that we are bieng tested on how fast we can write.
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    2001 Hsc

    could someone briefly explain this question.. i dont understand the jakarta declaration at all.. 2001 HSC- The 1997 Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion encourages the community and individuals to become involved in the promotion of health. Briefly explain how this approach is applied to...
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    revision questions!

    thanx emz, i really appreciate it. Now im going to go study for PE.... :P
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    revision questions!

    thankyou. no i havent looked at that ill go look now :)
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    2003 Hsc Exam

    thanx heaps you two. i agree that its nice to see people helping others out. thanx again :)
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    revision questions!

    yeh me too, coz i dont have an excel book or anthing.. and pe has alwas been one of my weaker subjects so i really need to do extra for it..
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    revision questions!

    does anyone have any sort of study/revision questions for pe, or past papers apart from the previous HSC papers that they could possibly send to me, coz im running out of ways to study for PE, apart from reading over my notes and i feel like nothing is sinking in PLZ help!! :):):)
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    solutions :>

    would anyone have the solutions to section 2 of the 2002 HSC for general maths??? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx guys
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    anyone else doing "daddy" as a realted material for telling the truth? if anyone has any notes on it, that would be really helpful. ive just finished writing an essay and not sure if i have enough
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    come on people

    guys i need help seriously. would anyone be willing to read my introduction (just the intro) from birthday letters. its really short and wont take you long. I just wanted to no if it stands out enough
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    Bday Letters

    how do i grab the audiences attention in my intro??? ive written an introduction but its a bit boring.. any help would be sooo much appreciateD!
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    Help Needed with Telling the Truth

    deus is right, you have to present your ideas and the beginning of each paragraph and then use the text to support your answer. in your intro you should include your thesisi on truth.
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    2005 Legal Studies Trial Results

    i got 80, reckon ill get a biut higher in the exam but not in 90's. u guys are all smart!
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    PLZ help.....

    anyone have time to help me to write an intorduction for module c. Im doing telling the truth. i already have an intro and its ok but my tutor said that it needs to grap the readers attention more, but now she is goan and i cant do it.. eeek... it wont take long i promise
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    need papers!

    where else can you get past paper from on the internet apart from the bored of studies ( the hsc past papers) coz i have done them all!! any help would be sooo much appreciated