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  1. muzeikchun852

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    relatively okay. relatively harder than last year paper i think.
  2. muzeikchun852

    How will my cohort make a difference to my atar???

    but you are still getting a mark lower than your external, which is the mark you deserve. i.e. although you came first in external, because of your internal rank, you are getting lower than your external, hence your cohort has pull you down.
  3. muzeikchun852

    What are you guys scoring in pastpapers?

    MX1: high 70s-84/84 <--- but only once or twice. MX2: high 90s-mid 100s/120
  4. muzeikchun852

    How will my cohort make a difference to my atar???

    yes. unfortunately that's how it is.
  5. muzeikchun852

    How will my cohort make a difference to my atar???

    yes, if you aren't first in all your subjects.
  6. muzeikchun852

    How will my cohort make a difference to my atar???

    they won't pull you up unless you are doing the same subject as them. otherwise, their atar will have no effect to yours.
  7. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    let k = the constant of dx/dt dy/dt = (12xk)/ (1+(3x^2+5)^2) if x-> infinity, dy/dt -> 0
  8. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    x-3ln |x+1| +c
  9. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    centre (10,5) ? radius root 20 therefore (x-10)^2 + (y-5)=20 ?
  10. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    i (9,3) e (14,7)
  11. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    assume that we all know what is the quadratic formula. tan(\alpha -\beta )=\frac{ tan\alpha - tan\beta }{1+tan\alpha tan\beta } \\\\=\frac{\frac{\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{a}}{1-\frac{b^2-4ac-b^2}{4a^2}}\\\\=\frac{\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{a+c} then square it.
  12. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    \int \frac{dz}{\sqrt{(z+0.5)(0.5-z)}}\\\\=\int \frac{dz}{\sqrt{(0.25-z^2)}}\\\\=sin^{-1}2z + c\\\\=sin^{-1}(2x-1) + c
  13. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    easy one: - a stone is thrown horizontally with a velocity of 20ms-1 from the top of a tower 100m high. assuming no air resistance, and that the acceleration due to gravity, g = 10ms-2 find the velocity and direction of the stone on impact with the ground.
  14. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    fail me. haha.
  15. muzeikchun852

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    got everything except the minus 1. first you expand the binomial. integrate. let x = 7
  16. muzeikchun852

    to be honest i dont really know. maybe 1 band 6 and the rest band 5 ?

    to be honest i dont really know. maybe 1 band 6 and the rest band 5 ?
  17. muzeikchun852


  18. muzeikchun852

    General Thoughts: ESL Paper 2/Listening

    module A - okay. easily adaptable. module B - a bit tricky on how they word the question and there isn't a clear link with community. so it's sort of hard in a sense. listening - the year thought it was hard. I thought it was okay. but it was heaps harder than our trials.