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  1. cucum3rs

    ECMT1010 thread

    Were you in the 1pm, Stream 2 lecture? I find him hiliarious - in a cold, cynical kind of way. Maybe it's his monotonous russian accent, or his "chinese doesnt matter" attitude. Could've even been his slightly over the top fascination with the price of water. Whatever it was, I'm actually...
  2. cucum3rs

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread not half as much as you
  3. cucum3rs

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread not half as much as you
  4. cucum3rs

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I had CLAW today as well. I've been reading some heaps good stuff about Giuseppe and the things he discusses in his lectures (i.e. exam hints), so I'm thinking it's one lecture I won't be missing anytime soon.
  5. cucum3rs

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I had CLAW today as well. I've been reading some heaps good stuff about Giuseppe and the things he discusses in his lectures (i.e. exam hints), so I'm thinking it's one lecture I won't be missing anytime soon.
  6. cucum3rs

    BoS USyd Roll Call 2008

    cucum3rs Bachelor of Economics
  7. cucum3rs

    Economics Tutoring, Western Suburbs

    My name is Lan Nguyen and I am a 2007 graduate, residing in Bankstown. This year (2008) I am studying an undergraduate Bachelor of Economics at the University of Sydney and to both help students, and keep my memory refreshed with the basics of economics I am looking for both Preliminary and HSC...
  8. cucum3rs

    Accurate UAI Calculator (alternative to SAM)

    real uai: 88.7 YEAAHHHHH BABY
  9. cucum3rs

    Accurate UAI Calculator (alternative to SAM)

    SAM: 88.35 ALBERT: 88.0 and dont know what the hell a JUAI is :confused:
  10. cucum3rs

    Official HSC results.

    2 Ancient History 89/100 81/100 85 5 2 Economics 77/100 83/100 80 5 2 English (Advanced) 86/100 86/100 86 5 1 English Extension 1 38/50 34/50 36 E3 1 English Extension 2 41/50 41/50 41 E3 2 Mathematics 83/100 79/100 81 5 1 History Extension 43/50 43/50 43 E3 so-so :confused...
  11. cucum3rs

    Thoughts on the exam

    8 pages for each, but i managed to fit 10 words per line :) confident with my first section, not so with my case study - historicity of jesus christ. didnt even answer the question on second thought still eco to go!
  12. cucum3rs

    Economic Dualism

    I came across the term 'economic dualism' in my text book today. it is defined as "a common feature of less developed countries that have a colonial legacy, which engage in conspicuous consumption in a formal commercial economy with a less formal economy dominated by subsistence agriculture (no...
  13. cucum3rs

    Pages written

    I HEAR YOU! I&S: not quite sure but i think 10-11 pages for essay (1750 words) and ballin, 12 pages of pure suck seems better then 9 pages of pure suck to the power of bullshit
  14. cucum3rs

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    big fat L O L :rofl: not an ipt student though, so dont quite understand the irony of a compass.
  15. cucum3rs

    General thoughts?

    i find myself neither content, nor discontent with individual & society. :confused: my stimulus had nothing to do with the question, and i dont think i answered it properly, but creative was semi-tolerable i guess - im mostly suprised i managed to come up with so much in 40 minutes, with no...
  16. cucum3rs

    The, "Who hasn't studied" Thread

    currently 2:50am 6 hours 40 minutes until exam begins, 8 hours 40 minutes until i farewell extension english for life. memorised my essay which im going to adapt to the question and still havent figured out any ideas for my creative... i havent studied, not because i was lazy and didnt...
  17. cucum3rs

    General thoughts?

    i just had a dream that i was in the ext exam and i picked up my pen and time was up :eek: it was so real. i hope thats a good omen somehow AHHAHAHAHA
  18. cucum3rs

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    for the last section, i did queens as well. i wrote about 8 pages on recollection (i cant really remmeber though), however my arm was about ready to give way so i probably had about 4 words per line. AHAHAHAHA. i spent about 30-35 minutes on Pompeii & Herculaneum, 40 on Sparta, 50 minutes on...
  19. cucum3rs

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    Quote: Originally Posted by darrynXtreem Don't hate me because you ain't me. What many of you don't understand is that despite the fact my UAI will be higher than all of yours', the UAI doesn't really matter anyway. It's just a system for dumb, impoverished public school filth to try and work...