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  1. cucum3rs

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    the marking guidelines do state that many opted for extra booklets, but no where do they state that those who only used what was given to them couldnt get full marks or anything. i think the purpose of them giving you that specific amount of space, is because thats how much they expect you to...
  2. cucum3rs

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    sugary sugary sweet dipped in sugary sugary sugar served with a side of sugar :) SECTION I: POMPEII & HERCULANEUM SECTION II: SPARTA SECTION III: AKHENATEN SECTION IV: NEW KINGDOM EGYPT FROM AMENHOTEP III - RAMESSES II seriously. how repetitive questions are for societies & personalities...
  3. cucum3rs

    the "have a winge" thread

    i love ancient history... however im cheering that its over in <12 HOURS! WOOOOOO one step closer to the end! :bomb:
  4. cucum3rs

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    thanks. i felt heaps better when i read your post ...:) that was until i realised i made other stupid mistakes such as forgetting to minus 1 from both the numerator and the denominators in question 9. b, forgetting what the hell a directrix was and not even solving 6. a. i was just so stumped...
  5. cucum3rs

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    being hopeful and saying ill possibly get 90/120 :) i just almost shot myself when i read 9.b again and realised i used r=1.006 instead of 1.06. I JUST SCREWED MYSELF OUT OF SIX MARKS!:eek: i also put down october 2010! maybe they'll give us the mark ... like maybe they'll do it like they...
  6. cucum3rs

    Section 1

    complete load of bullshit id say :burn:
  7. cucum3rs

    the historicity of jesus christ

    the term "shit" doesnt even begin to describe it. its obviously one of the most controversial topics of the past, present and future, and that given, it is really hard to seperate what you believe from what you've been brought up believing when you are writing your essay. i do enjoy the...
  8. cucum3rs

    Last Line of your Major Work?

    yes, i just leave.
  9. cucum3rs

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    shit happens
  10. cucum3rs

    the historicity of jesus christ

    YES!!! yes my school is doing it too.
  11. cucum3rs

    Red Bull and V

    regarding v... im not sure if the product has gotten weaker or if my tolerance has sky rocketed. and as for red bull someone told me it was bull sperm. disregarding this fact i think it taste like absolute shit
  12. cucum3rs

    If you could go back to...

    modern instead of ancient definately i wish i tried a bit harder as well. maybe then i would be such an ugly shit from the minimal/no sleep from trying to cram 13 years of knowledge into 6 hours of revision. i tell myself everyday im going study, and i just never learn.
  13. cucum3rs

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    referencing to earlier thread posts... WHO THE HELL ARE THESE MACHINES WHO MANAGE TO WRITE 8+ PAGES IN 40 MINUTES FOR ENGLISH!!! I BARELY MANAGE 4, SOMETIMES 5 IF IM FEELING LIKE A TERMINATOR!:eek: but seriously whats your secret lolol:confused:
  14. cucum3rs

    Does God exist?

    id say this is probably the second most argued question, only after "what came first, chicken or egg" personally i think its refreshing that people are debating over profound things such as this... but i guess in my catholic, and there bias view, i would say why do people feel the need to...
  15. cucum3rs

    Best Economics Textbook

    personally i found the leading edge dixon/o'mahoney one the best to learn from, but i also love macquarie for revision. sometimes the leading edge however, drags on and on and on and repeats the same point, and sometimes the macquarie seems to leave out important facts. but all in all, i reckon...
  16. cucum3rs

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    i feel for you love! my best advice to you is to prerecord all of your essays and try listening to them while you type them out ... im not sure if theres really any logic behind the method ... but i learnt a whole essay in about an hour sleep is for the weak... well an hour after saying that...
  17. cucum3rs

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    there is not even a word in the english language to describe exactly how over the hsc i am its 2.a.m and im still up trying to memorise my essays for paper 2 trial and i am exhausted but sleep is for the weak
  18. cucum3rs


    bic classic fine all the way... ill stand by my guns! :)
  19. cucum3rs

    UAI Prediction

    currently: english advanced - 97% english extension one - 93% english extension two - 94% mathematics - 75% economics - 90% ancient history - 90% history extension - 76% sam predict 93, but somehow that seems quite unrealistic to me. i think maybe the assessments at my school are slightly...
  20. cucum3rs

    Recording notes on to ipod?

    start>accessories>entertainment>sound recorder then just "add to library" in itunes as per usual. the file will convert itself and then stick in your ipod. and all is sweet.