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  1. J

    Post Your 2008 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam) (UAI cutoffs link)

    Bachelor of Laws UNSW (Graduate entry), my 2nd preference, don't know if i'll do it though...
  2. J

    Corp. Finance 2 - low marks for all??

    Basically I found that most of the finance department marked that way (unfairly imo), and thus I steered clear of as much finance as possible. It felt like the rare people who did get distinctions and HD's had access to more resources and had an unfair competitive advantage (I found many people...
  3. J

    Difference between finance and Accounting Major?

    Yeh guess you could argue that for accounting jobs as well, where the vast majority of stuff relevant to your individual role is learnt on the job etc etc
  4. J

    Difference between finance and Accounting Major?

    Well on a practical level, most of the figures used in analysing companies etc uses accounting figures (in some form usually), a fundamental understanding or at least partial understanding would definitely be complementary imo... Perhaps since you've done accounting you have taken this for...
  5. J

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews - UPDATED WITH .PDF on first post Yeh i must agree M&A kinda sucked... Whilst it was a somewhat interesting glance into the IB world, it was run cruddily.
  6. J

    Difference between finance and Accounting Major?

    Everyone does accounting and finance, it's the way to go so do both. Finance is entrenched in accounting methodology to an extent, so a fairly fundamental undrstanding of accounting would definitely be looked at favourably by employers (is the general consensus I think). They check for...
  7. J

    Acct 3011

    I did it a year ago, the final didn't cover what was in the mid-sem so like consolidation and goodwill was gone etc...
  8. J

    B-Com, which major?

    The obligatory accounting + finance response.
  9. J

    Snowball 2007

    How much are tickets?
  10. J

    Acct 3011

    Not that much reliance, but it would still be useful to have imo.
  11. J

    wats harder finA or finB

    Err neither? It might be corporate finance I in the new req's but im not sure.
  12. J

    wats harder finA or finB

    Open-ended it's stuff like is the accoutning framework more like underwear or scaffolding, weird analysis like that.
  13. J

    Is it good?

  14. J

    Post your Semester 2 (2007) timetable

    Re: Post your Semester 2 timetable Only got 3 subjects to go so only 9 hours a week which is pretty sweet:
  15. J

    Unit of Study Outline Exchange

    By request here is the ACCT 3013 Financial Statement Analysis UOS:
  16. J


    Yes but you're gonna have to apply for and do the preliminary accounting honours subjects, which will typically mean having to overload for a semester or two. And yeh generally need a credit average for accounting (i think is the consensus), and it should also be noted the preliminary honours...
  17. J

    Blackboard Question

    Wow that's pretty late in the semester, how could it even be useful if you're having exans when he releases the UOS?!.. prob. should report him.
  18. J

    Blackboard Question

    But the question is, what does it depend on?
  19. J

    UAI of 97/98: where to go?

    Ok I might have got all my facts wrong (according to you, show me the sources, needs citation, although that library comment was more an allusion to unsw's rating as a 'better business school' than the actually library standards per se), and in fact the underlying premise for my post was...
  20. J

    UAI of 97/98: where to go?

    Pfft usyd is just nicer, unsw might have 4 more books in their library, but the usyd computer facilities are unparalled, plus the campus is beautiful (except for the construction gg law students). Now looking at the votes it's unanimous, see you at usyd (well ill be finished but have fun).